
Specialist Nursing and Care Fund: report

This report outlines how NHS Boards across Scotland have utilised the additional £2.5 million recurring funding announced by the First Minister on 7 January 2015.

Headline messages


The Rt. Hon. Nicola Sturgeon, MSP, First Minister of Scotland, announced on 7 January 2015 that an additional £2.5 million recurring funding would be made available across Scotland to enhance clinical nurse specialist provision and care, with £700,000 allocated to enable the number of specialist MND nurses to be doubled, and funded from the public purse.

Clinical nurse specialist roles

Clinical nurse specialist roles provide support to people living with a range of conditions across the life spectrum and operate across hospital and community settings. NHS Boards across Scotland benefited from the additional investment, which has enhanced provision of specialist nursing care.

The third sector

The third sector plays a significant part in helping to fund and support a range of clinical nurse specialist posts in NHS boards and is a key source of information, support and expertise for service users, families, professionals and services. NHS boards were requested to ensure the sector was engaged throughout the process of prioritising how the additional investment would be deployed.

Specialist nursing capacity

As of May 2017, reports from NHS boards show that specialist nursing capacity had been enhanced through the additional investment by 31.4 whole time equivalents ( WTE). In addition the number of MND nurse specialists had increased by 7.6 WTE, including the appointment of a National Co‑ordinator for MND funded by the Scottish Government in collaboration with MND Scotland and the University of Edinburgh.


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