
Specialist Nursing and Care Fund: report

This report outlines how NHS Boards across Scotland have utilised the additional £2.5 million recurring funding announced by the First Minister on 7 January 2015.

Next steps

This report highlights the impact the additional investment of £2.5 million has had across Scotland. It demonstrates a strengthening, and greater sustainability, of provision and a range of innovative, collaborative initiatives, often taken forward with the third sector, that will provide important learning for future developments of the clinical nurse specialist role in Scotland.

Funding for the role will continue to be taken forward in line with key policy initiatives such as the National Clinical Strategy and National Workforce Plan, and national interdisciplinary initiatives, including Transforming Roles and the Nursing 2030 Vision. NHS boards will be asked to report annually on progress to the CNO through their executive nurse directors. Further reports will be produced to inform impact and further development of the fund.


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