
Specialist Nursing and Care Fund: report

This report outlines how NHS Boards across Scotland have utilised the additional £2.5 million recurring funding announced by the First Minister on 7 January 2015.

Annex: Specialist Nursing and Care Fund

Additional clinical nurse specialist capacity in NHS boards, at May 2017

NHS Board Nurse specialist posts (not MND) WTE
Ayrshire & Arran Tissue viability (supporting community) 0.5
Renal (support for home dialysis) 0.8
Lung cancer 0.5
Borders Older people (liaison) 1.0
Dumfries & Galloway Older people (based in community, crossing into acute care) 1.6
Fife Adult epilepsy 0.86
Parkinson's disease 0.86
Multiple sclerosis 0.8
Forth Valley Perinatal mental health 1.0
Grampian Rheumatology 1.0
Multiple sclerosis 1.0
Parkinson's service 1.0
Paediatric allergy 0.77
Greater Glasgow & Clyde Multiple sclerosis 2.0
Palliative care 3.2
Highland Lymphoedema 1.0
Respiratory care 1.2
Lanarkshire Perinatal mental health 1.0
Long-term conditions, focusing on the care of people in the community with multi-morbidities 2.8
Lothian Child and adolescent mental health 1.0
Tissue viability 1.0
Lead nurse advanced practice 1.0
Orkney Frail elderly and those affected by dementia 0.5
Shetland Cardiac 0.5
Tayside Parkinson's disease 0.6
Oncology outpatients (chemotherapy) 1.0
Chronic respiratory disease (assistance to help patients manage their conditions at home) 1.2
Western Isles Generic neurology (with a focus on epilepsy) 0.5
NHS 24 Cardiac 0.16
NHS National Services Scotland Paediatric stem cell transplantation (based in NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde) 1.0
Total 31.4

Additional MND specialist nurses, at May 2017

NHS Board WTE before funding WTE after funding WTE increase
NHS Fife 0 0.38 0.38
NHS Forth Valley 0 0.38 0.38
NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde 2 4 2
NHS Grampian 1 2 1
NHS Highland 0.6 1.2 0.6
NHS Lothian 1.3 2.9 1.6
NHS Orkney 0 0.15 0.15
NHS Shetland 0 0.2 0.2
NHS Tayside 1 2 1
National Co-ordinator 0 0.33 0.33
Totals 5.9 13.54 7.6


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