
Arable Farmer-led Group: climate change evidence

A summary of existing evidence around the arable sector, including greenhouse gas emissions produced by the Rural and Environment Science and Analytical Services (RESAS) division.

Annex B – Tables

Table B1: Crops, fallow, and set-aside land in Scotland and the United Kingdom, 2019

Category Scotland United Kingdom
Hectares Proportion Hectares Proportion
Wheat 107,480 18.5% 1,815,769 36.8%
Triticale 533 0.1% 13,036 0.3%
Barley: Winter 48,802 8.4% 452,713 9.2%
Spring 242,090 41.8% 709,513 14.4%
Oats (including mixed grain)(1) 31,938 5.5% 189,380 3.8%
Rye 6,415 1.1% : :
Rape for oilseed (including linseed)(2) 31,855 5.5% 544,919 11.0%
Potatoes 28,491 4.9% 144,065 2.9%
Peas and beans for combining 2,320 0.4% : :
Maize 879 0.2% 228,252 4.6%
Turnips, swedes and beet for stockfeeding 4,794 0.8% : :
Other crops for stockfeeding(3) 11,368 2.0% 93,387 1.9%
Vegetables for human consumption 18,635 3.2% 114,548 2.3%
Orchard and soft fruit(4) 2,165 0.4% 2,165 0.0%
Bulbs, other flowers and nursery stock 1,018 0.2% 11,419 0.2%
All other crops(5) 10,126 1.7% 10,126 0.2%
Fallow land 30,752 5.3% 224,261 4.5%
Total Crops, Fallow and Set-Aside: 579,661 100% 4,938,120 100%

(1) Includes rye for England and Wales and triticale for Wales.

(2) Figure for Scotland includes linseed.

(3) Includes lupins. England, Wales and Northern Ireland figures included turnips, swede and beet for stock feeding.

(4) Soft fruit includes fruit grown in greenhouses and plastic structures as well as fruit grown in the open

(5) Includes crops grown under cover for England, Wales and Northern Ireland. England figure includes sugar beet, flax and borage : Information not available.

Source: June Agricultural Census 2020, via RESAS Agricultural Analysis Unit

Table B2. Number of specialist cropping, cereal or arable holdings by region, 2019
NUTS2 Specialist General Cropping Farms Specialist Cereal Farms All Holdings with Arable Land
Holdings Arable Area (ha) Holdings Arable Area (ha) Holdings Arable Area (ha)
North East Scotland 257 24,859 896 55,182 2,716 148,594
Eastern Scotland 914 106,989 789 59,135 2,877 227,308
Southern Scotland 122 17,893 313 32,448 2,219 101,027
Highlands & Islands 345 16,209 342 17,053 3,565 68,728
West Central Scotland 9 362 23 1,160 146 3,251
Scotland 1,647 166,313 2,363 164,979 11,523 548,909

Source: June Agricultural Census 2020, via RESAS Agricultural Analysis Unit

Table B3. Number of specialist horticulture holdings and total arable area, by region, 2019
NUTS2 Specialist Horticulture All Holdings with Arable Land
Holdings Arable Area (ha) Holdings Arable Area (ha)
North East Scotland 75 1,900 2,716 148,594
Eastern Scotland 182 10,295 2,877 227,308
Southern Scotland 96 178 2,219 101,027
Highlands & Islands 350 162 3,565 68,728
West Central Scotland 10 10 146 3,251
Scotland 713 12,546 11,523 548,909

Source: June Agricultural Census 2020, via RESAS Agricultural Analysis Unit

Table B4. Number of specialist cereal holdings by size and farm type, 2019
Farm Size (hectares) Specialist Cereal Farms All Holdings with Arable Land
Holdings Area (hectares) Holdings Area (hectares)
0-<2 45 52 801 196
2-<5 155 454 791 793
5-<10 189 1,073 600 1,615
10-<20 223 2,335 671 3,858
20-<50 488 11,545 1,618 23,109
50-<100 501 26,462 2,199 70,477
100-<200 474 49,682 2,538 161,536
200 & over 288 73,375 2,305 287,327
Total 2,363 164,979 11,523 548,909

Source: June Agricultural Census 2020, via RESAS Agricultural Analysis Unit

Table B5. Number of general cropping and area by farm size, 2019
Farm Size (hectares) General Cropping Farms All Holdings with Arable Land
Holdings Area (hectares) Holdings Area (hectares)
0-<2 124 33 801 196
2-<5 81 76 791 793
5-<10 42 115 600 1,615
10-<20 45 467 671 3,858
20-<50 181 4,826 1,618 23,109
50-<100 364 19,909 2,199 70,477
100-<200 435 48,637 2,538 161,536
200 & over 375 92,249 2,305 287,327
Total 1,647 166,313 11,523 548,909

Source: June Agricultural Census 2020, via RESAS Agricultural Analysis Unit

Table B6. Number of specialist horticulture and area by farm size, 2019
Farm Size (hectares) Specialist horticulture Farms All Holdings with Arable Land
Holdings Area (hectares) Holdings Area (hectares)
0-<2 285 67 801 196
2-<5 198 111 791 793
5-<10 70 80 600 1,615
10-<20 43 176 671 3,858
20-<50 28 352 1,618 23,109
50-<100 27 1,255 2,199 70,477
100-<200 35 4,301 2,538 161,536
200 & over 27 6,204 2,305 287,327
Total 713 12,546 11,523 548,909

Source: June Agricultural Census 2020, via RESAS Agricultural Analysis Unit

Table B7. Agricultural workforce on specialist cereal farms, 2019
Category Specialist Cereal Farms All Holdings with Arable Land
Holdings Workforce Holdings Workforce
Occupiers and spouses working more than half time 839 987 6,260 7,780
Occupiers and spouses working less than half time 728 857 4,342 5,286
Full-time employees 460 879 3,542 8,452
Part-time employees 321 491 2,271 3,646
Casual and seasonal workers 135 255 1,138 6,375
Total workforce 1,481 3,469 9,217 31,539

Source: June Agricultural Census 2020, via RESAS Agricultural Analysis Unit

Table B8. Agricultural workforce on general cropping farms, 2019
Category General Cropping Farms All Holdings with Arable Land
Holdings Workforce Holdings Workforce
Occupiers and spouses working more than half time 820 980 6,260 7,780
Occupiers and spouses working less than half time 612 718 4,342 5,286
Full-time employees 522 1,222 3,542 8,452
Part-time employees 313 481 2,271 3,646
Casual and seasonal workers 165 415 1,138 6,375
Total workforce 1,267 3,816 9,217 31,539

Source: June Agricultural Census 2020, via RESAS Agricultural Analysis Unit

Table B9. Agricultural workforce on horticulture farms, 2019
Category Specialist horticulture farms All Holdings with Arable Land
Holdings Workforce Holdings Workforce
Occupiers and spouses working more than half time 266 379 6,260 7,780
Occupiers and spouses working less than half time 280 395 4,342 5,286
Full-time employees 126 1,012 3,542 8,452
Part-time employees 91 264 2,271 3,646
Casual and seasonal workers 79 4,090 1,138 6,375
Total workforce 513 6,140 9,217 31,539

Source: June Agricultural Census 2020, via RESAS Agricultural Analysis Unit



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