
Arable Farmer-led Group: climate change evidence

A summary of existing evidence around the arable sector, including greenhouse gas emissions produced by the Rural and Environment Science and Analytical Services (RESAS) division.

Annex C – GHG Inventory Assumptions

Sources in the inventory have been attributed based on the following percentages:

Table C1. Emission source attribution
IPCC SourceName Crops Dairy Deer Goats Horses Beef Pigs Sheep
3H_Urea application Fertiliser application 80% 20% 10%
1A4cii_Agriculture/Forestry/Fishing:Off-road Agriculture - mobile machinery 60% 30% 20%
3A4_Enteric_Fermentation_other_livestock Enteric 7% 1% 67% 25%
3D11_Inorganic_nitrogen_fertilizers Grass - Direct 30% 60% 10%
3D14_Crop_residues Grass - Direct 30% 60% 10%
3G1_Liming - limestone Liming 50% 15% 30% 5%
3G2_Liming - dolomite Liming 50% 15% 30% 5%

This results in the following estimates of GHG emissions for agriculture in 2018:

Table C2. Estimates of GHG emissions for agriculture, 2018
Emissions in Inventory Attributed based on expert input Proportion attributed
MtCO2e MtCO2e %
Beef 2.97 0.47 16
Arable/Crops 1.02 0.59 58
Dairy 0.86 0.31 36
Sheep 0.99 0.05 5
Other livestock 0.20 .. ..
Uncategorised 0.02 .. ..
Table C3. Further Breakdown of GHG emissions from the arable sector in the Inventory, 2018
IPCC Sector Attribution MtCO2e
3D11 Inorganic N Fertilizers Arable Direct 0.218
3D14 Crop Residues Arable Direct 0.161
3D21 Atmospheric Deposition Arable Direct 0.009
3D22 Nitrogen Leaching and Run-off Arable Direct 0.105
3D22 Nitrogen Leaching and Run-off Crops Direct 0.060
1A4ci_Agriculture/Forestry/Fishing:Stationary Crops Direct 0.036
1A4cii_Agriculture/Forestry/Fishing:Off-road Crops Attributed 0.462
2D1_Lubricant_Use Crops Direct 0.000
3D15 Mineralisation/immobilisation associated with loss/gain of soil organic matter Crops Direct 0.195
3D16 Cultivation of Organic soils Crops Direct 0.239
3G1_Liming - limestone Crops Attributed 0.059
3G2_Liming - dolomite Crops Attributed 0.049
3H Urea Application Crops Attributed 0.020



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