
Outer Hebrides creel limitation pilot: research and evaluation

Presents the findings of the survey made into the operational implications and socio-economic impacts of the Outer Hebrides Creel Limitation Pilot on fishers.


We would like to extend our thanks to our colleagues from Marine Scotland; Kay Barclay, Jim Watson, Stuart Bell and Chloe Aird for their assistance in developing this work and commenting on the draft survey and interview documents. We are particularly grateful to Kay Barclay of Marine Scotland and Dr Anna Mujal-Colilles from the University of St Andrews for assisting in fieldwork and for their help interviewing fishers. We also acknowledge with thanks, Marine Scotland for funding this research. We recognise the invaluable assistance of our contact from the Western Isles Fishermen's Association (WIFA) and Outer Hebrides Regional Inshore Fisheries Group (OHRIFG), Duncan MacInnes. We thank him for his expertise and time in helping us publicise the surveys to members of WIFA and OHRIFG, and for his organisation of the many meetings we attended where we obtained a large proportion of our interviewees. We particularly wish to thank the many fishers and processors that took time out of their busy schedules, often during antisocial hours, to provide their feedback on the project, attend meetings, and provide honest insight into the dynamics of this fishery.



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