
Non-domestic buildings - heating systems: research report

Research we commissioned from Locogen to provide a set of case studies on the installation of zero direct emissions heating systems in both new and existing non-domestic buildings. Provides key insights on the challenges and opportunities in decarbonising these buildings.

Document Information

Document title: 7496-TA-REP-004-Research into Heat for Non-Domestic Buildings - Final Report
Date of issue: 06/05/2022
Status: Approved
Prepared by: Charlotte Mitchell, Philippa Hardy 05/05/2022
Checked by: David Linsley-Hood 06/05/2022
Approved by: David Linsley-Hood 06/05/2022
Version Date Purpose of amendment
01 31/03/22 Draft version
02 Internal update
03 Internal update
04 Internal update
05 06/05/22 Final version


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