Building standards - ventilation guidance: research

Research to investigate whether changes made to the building standards guidance in 2015 (standard 3.14) have resulted in better occupant interaction with the dwellings natural ventilation components and improved levels of indoor air quality within the dwelling.

Annex B: complete household survey

Q1 How long have you been living at this property? (*If do not live here, thank you and close)

Q2 How many people normally live at this property?

Pie chart indicating how many people (divided by adults and children) live in the property.

Q3 How many bedrooms are there in your home?

Column graph indicating how many bedrooms are in the homes monitored.

Q4 Is your home?

Pie chart indicating if the home monitored is owner occupied, rented from an RSL or privately rented.

Q5 How many people smoke in the house?

Column graph indicating how many people in the house smoke.

Q6 Do you dry clothes in the house?

Column graph indicating how often are clothes dried int he house.

Q7 Does anyone in your household have a health condition that affects the way you ventilate your home? [IF NO, GO TO Q9]

Pie chart indicating results on whether a health condition affect the way their house is ventilated.

Q7a Yes (please explain)

health condition counts
Asthma 9
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) 3
allergies 3
cardiovascular 2

Q8 Do you know what this is? [showcard – picture of a trickle vent]

Column graph indicating results asking do you know what a trickle vents is. Results based on tenure type.

Q9 Do you know what it is for?

Column graph indicating results asking do you know what a trickle vent is for. Results based on tenure type.

Q9a Yes (if yes, please explain)

Column graph indicating results asking if yes, then please explain. Results based on tenure type.

Q10 Do you know what type of ventilation system is installed in your home?

Column graph indicating results asking do you know what type of ventilation system you have installed in your house.

Q11 Is there a mechanical extract fan for ventilation in your:

Column graph indicating results asking is there a mechanical extract fan for ventilation in your bathroom and kitchen.

Q12 Is the mechanical extract fan in your bathroom and/or kitchen:

Bar chart indicating results asking is there a mechanical extract fan in your bathroom and or kitchen.

Q13 Have you ever had any of the following problems or concerns with your mechanical ventilation system?

Pie chart indicating results asking have you ever had any of the following problems or concerns with your mechanical ventilation system.

Q14 How often do you normally open your living room windows in winter?

Column graph indicating results asking how often do you normally open your living room windows in winter.

Q15 Can you tell me which of these things would make you open the living room windows:

Pie chart indicating results asking which things would make them open their windows.

Q15 Other (please specify)


Q16 Can you tell me which of these things would stop you opening the living room windows (tick all that apply)

Column graph indicating results asking which things would stop you opening your living room windows

Q16 Other (please specify)

"Always open windows every day

if my guests and i are noisy

Temperature Preservation

Dust from building site.

Cold outside.

The fact that the cat might jumpout if opened too wide as on firstfloor".

Q17 Do your living room windows have trickle ventilators?

Pie chart indicating results asking do your living room windows have trickle vents.

Q18 How often are the vents open during the day?

Pie chart indicating results asking often do you open your vents during the day.

Q19 Why don't you use the living room trickle vents?

Pie chart indicating results asking why don't you use the living room trickle vents.

Q19 Other (please specify)


There always open

They are covert and i often discover it is too cold because i forgot to close them

I open the windows as required.

Irritating draught noise/ sound.

Windows opened frequently.

Had to be closed off because we had an infestation of maggots


Prefer to just open a window

I do

I do

I do

I do

Q20 In general, how would you describe the quality of air in the living room?

Column graph indicting results asking in general, how would you describe the quality of air in the living room.

Q21 How often do you normally open the main (master) bedroom windows in winter? [IF NEVER OPEN THEM, GO TO Q24]

Column graph indicting results asking in general, how often do you normally open the main bedroom windows in winter.

Q22 Can you tell me which of these things would make you open the main (master) bedroom windows?

Column graph indicting results asking which of these things would make you open the main bedroom windows.

Q22 Other (please specify)


Q23 Can you tell me which of these things would stop you opening the main (master) bedroom windows?

Column graph indicting results asking which things would stop you opening the main bedroom windows.

Q23 Other (please specify)

"Window open every day


The window frames are very stiff.

Cold outside.

Rain can come in at times."

Q24 Do your main (master) bedroom windows have trickle ventilators?

Pie chart indicating results asking do your main bedroom windows have trickle ventilators.

Q25 How often do you open the trickle vents in your main (master) bedroom?

Column graph indicating results asking how often do you open the trickle vents in your main (master) bedroom

Q26 Why don't you use the trickle vents?

Column graph indicating results asking why don't you use the trickle vents.

Q26 Other (please specify)

"Vents open all the time

It gets very cold


Always open.

Windows open frequently.

Had t be closed off

I do"

Q27 Do you have any roof windows in your main (master) bedroom?

Column graph indicating results asking do you have nay roof windows in your main bedroom.

Q28 When you go to bed at night in the winter, is the bedroom window:

Column graph indicating results asking when you go to bed at night is the window, trickle vent, bedroom door and curtain and or blinds, either closed, open a little or wide open.

Q29 In general, how would you describe the quality of air in the bedroom?

Column graph indicating results asking how would you describe the quality of air in the bedroom.

Q30 Have you ever received any advice on how best to ventilate the house?

Column graph indicating results asking have you ever received any advice on how to best ventilate your house.

Q31 What was this advice?

"To open the trickle vents

Open the windows more often.

To leave the vents open

To air the place. Had a problem which glen oaks know about

To keep the vents open

Keep vents open

Told to keep the vents open

How to work the co2 monitor"

Q32 Is there anything that could improve the ventilation in your house?

Column graph indicating results asking is there anything that could improve the ventilation in your house.

Q33 [Showcard – carbon dioxide monitor] Do you have a carbon dioxide monitor installed in your main bedroom?

Pie chart indicating results asking do you have a carbon dioxide monitor installed in your main bedroom.

Q34 If yes, do you know what this monitor is for?

Pie chart indicating results asking if yes (Q33) do you know what this monitor is for.

Q34a Yes (please explain)

"Should CO2 reach dangerous level it will sound

Monitor CO2 levels

Monitor air quality

To show oxygen levels

Not 100%, think it measures air in the room

To detect high levels of CO2 from gas boiler

To tell information on the pollution or contaminants

Moisture in the room

To let us know when cause it is too high


it detects gas leaks

To detect smoke or gas

In case we get poisoned

For the gas escape

Used to detect carbon monoxide levels"

Q35 Have you received any guidance on how to use the carbon dioxide monitor?

Pie chart indicating results asking have you ever received any guidance on how to use the carbon dioxide monitor.

Q35a If yes, what was this advice?

Bar chart indicating results asking how often do you use the monitor to check carbon dioxide levels in your main bedroom.

Q36 How often do you use the monitor to check carbon dioxide levels in your main bedroom?

Column graph indicating results asking How often do you use the monitor to check carbon dioxide levels in your main bedroom.

Q37 Do you know if your carbon dioxide monitor has any of the following features:

Column graph indicating results asking do you know if your carbon dioxide monitor has any of the following features.

Q38 Do you know what the recommended levels of carbon dioxide are?

Pie chart indicting results asking do you know what the recommended levels of carbon dioxide are.

Q39 If yes, are you aware how often do carbon dioxide levels in your main bedroom exceed the recommended levels?

Column graph indicating results asking if yes (Q38), are you aware how often carbon dioxide levels in your main bedroom exceed the recommended levels.

Q40 If carbon dioxide levels are high or show an alert, what do you do? (*If nothing, why not? - [GO TO Q48])

Pie chart indicating results If carbon dioxide levels are high or show an alert, what do you do? (*If nothing, why not?

Q41 – Q44

Column graph indicating results asking multiple question in relation to using the carbon dioxide monitor, ventilation and air quality awareness.



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