Accessible Vehicles and Equipment Scheme evaluation - devolved disability benefits: research

We commissioned The Lines Between (TLB) to carry out research in May 2023 to inform a policy impact evaluation of the Accessible Vehicles and Equipment (AVE) Scheme. This report outlines the findings

Appendix 5: Survey of non-members

This appendix presents the questions included in the online survey of non-members.


Thank you very much for your interest in taking part in this survey, which should take no longer than 10-15 minutes to complete.

Please read the information below to understand a bit more about the research and what taking part involves.

The Lines Between (TLB) is an independent social research company. We have been asked by the Scottish Government to find out what people think about the Accessible Vehicles and Equipment (AVE) Scheme.

The AVE Scheme supports disabled people receiving Adult Disability Payment (ADP) or Child Disability Payment (CDP) to lease a vehicle or equipment to help with their mobility. It is run by the Scottish Government and Social Security Scotland, and it replaced the Motability Scheme in Scotland when disability benefits moved to Social Security Scotland from DWP. Now, Motability Operations is a provider accredited to provide vehicles through the AVE Scheme.

We understand you receive ADP or CDP from Social Security Scotland but are not currently a member of the AVE Scheme. In Scotland, ADP and CDP replaced benefits that you may have received from DWP in the past including Personal Independence Payment (PIP) and Disability Living Allowance (DLA).

In this survey, we would like to ask about your reasons for not joining the Scheme. We would also like to find out about any barriers you may face to joining.

Taking part is voluntary and you can skip any questions you don’t want to answer.

If you take part in the survey, the information we collect from you and other people will be used to write a report for the Scottish Government. The report will be published openly on the Scottish Government website. We might use some things you say in the report but we will not use your name and no one will be able to identify you in any of the reported results.

Taking part is optional and will not affect any of your applications or benefits. No one who makes benefit decisions now or in the future will know you have taken part.

If you have any questions, or would like to complete this questionnaire in an alternative format, please contact The Lines Between [contact details were provided in the survey].

(tick box – I understand and am happy to continue)

[mandatory] Would you like to read a privacy notice with more information about how we will use the data we collect from you?

a. Yes [route to privacy notice]

b. No [skip privacy notice]

Privacy notice

[Privacy notice text was presented to respondents who wished to view it].


By selecting yes below, you confirm you understand that:

a. anonymised quotes from you might be used in the report we write for the Scottish Government

b. it is up to you whether you complete the survey

c. you can skip any questions you do not want to answer

[mandatory] I am willing to take part in this survey

a. Yes

b. No [if no, skip to end page]

1. [mandatory] Which benefit do you/your child or the person for whom you are completing this questionnaire receive?

a. Adult Disability Payment (enhanced mobility rate)

b. Child Disability Payment (higher mobility rate)

2. [mandatory] Are you completing this questionnaire based on your experience of claiming Adult Disability Payment or Child Disability Payment for yourself, or as a parent, carer, appointee or representative of a child or adult? Please select one option.

a. My experience of claiming Adult Disability Payment or Child Disability Payment for myself

b. I am a parent, carer, appointee or representative of a child or adult receiving Child Disability Payment or Adult Disability Payment

c. Other (please specify:)

[if Q2= b] As you are the parent, carer, appointee, or representative of a child or adult on the higher or enhanced rate of Child Disability Payment or Adult Disability Payment, you represent a key group of people whose experience of the AVE Scheme we would like to capture. So please complete the following questions with your own experiences and views in mind.

Awareness of the AVE Scheme

The AVE Scheme supports disabled people receiving Adult Disability Payment or Child Disability Payment to lease a vehicle or equipment to help with their mobility. Launched in 2020, It is run by the Scottish Government and Social Security Scotland. It replaced the Motability Scheme in Scotland when disability benefits moved to Social Security Scotland from DWP. Now, Motability Operations is the name of a provider accredited to provide vehicles through the AVE Scheme.

3. Had you heard of the AVE Scheme before?

a. Yes

b. No

4. Did you know the AVE Scheme is run by Social Security Scotland?

a. Yes

b. No

5. Have you used the AVE Scheme before?

a. Yes

b. No

c. Not sure

6. [IF YES] How would you describe your experience of the AVE Scheme?

a. Very good

b. Good

c. Neither good nor bad

d. Poor

e. Very poor

f. Prefer not to say

Reasons for not using the AVE Scheme

7. Thinking about the AVE Scheme, why are you not currently using the Scheme (please select all that apply)?

a. I need my disability allowance to pay for other things

b. I prefer to use my own vehicle (including wheelchair accessible vehicle, car, wheelchair, and/or scooter) and/or equipment

c. I don’t drive

d. I prefer to use public transport

e. I was not aware of the Scheme

f. The Scheme is too complicated or difficult to understand

g. The Scheme is too expensive

h. The Scheme does not offer vehicles or equipment that are suitable for me [route to Q10]

i. There is a lack of choice of providers

j. I am unsure how to access or start using the Scheme

k. I have used the AVE Scheme in the past but didn’t like it [route to Q8]

l. I have used the Motability Scheme by using a benefit paid by DWP (for example, DLA or PIP) but didn’t like it [route to Q9]

m. Other (please specify:)

8. [If Q7=k) What did you not like about the AVE Scheme? (Please select all that apply)

a. The costs involved were too expensive

b. The vehicle or equipment I leased did not meet my needs [Route to Q10]

c. The type of vehicle or equipment I wanted to lease was not available [Route to Q10]

d. There were not enough providers to choose from

e. I did not feel treated with dignity or respect by Social Security Scotland

f. I did not feel treated with dignity or respect by the provider or dealer

g. Other (please specify:)

9. [If Q7=l) What did you not like about the Motability Scheme? (Please select all that apply)

a. The costs involved were too expensive

b. The vehicle or equipment I leased did not meet my needs [Route to Q10]

c. The type of vehicle or equipment I wanted to lease was not available [Route to Q10]

d. There were not enough providers to choose from

e. I did not feel treated with dignity or respect by the DWP

f. I did not feel treated with dignity or respect by the provider or dealer

g. Other (please specify:)

10. [If Q7=h, Q8=b or c, or Q9=b or c] What type of vehicle or equipment would you like?

11. Please add any other comments you would like to make about the reason(s) why you are not currently using the AVE Scheme [open ended]

Thinking about the future

12. Would you be interested in using the AVE Scheme in the future?

a. Yes

b. No

c. Not sure

13. [if yes] How do you think the Scheme could help you or the person you represent or are an appointee for? (Please select all that apply)

The AVE Scheme could help me, my child or the person I support to:

a. Stay independent

b. Have improved quality of life

c. Go to medical and other appointments

d. Meet up with friends and family

e. Get to the shops

f. Pursue hobbies and interests

g. Get to and from work

h. Get to and from school/college/university/other educational or training opportunities

i. Access vehicles or equipment that I/we wouldn’t be able to afford otherwise

j. Other (please specify:)

14. What changes could be made to the Scheme to encourage or enable you to use the Scheme in the future? [open-ended]

Final questions about you/your child or the person for whom you are completing this questionnaire

[If Q2=b] Please complete the following questions with details about the child or adult who you are the parent, carer, appointee or representative for.

The information you provide in the following questions will help us to ensure we capture the views of a diverse range of people. Only the research team will see your responses and no identifiable information will be shared.

You can also choose to skip any questions.

15. Thinking about your mobility needs, please select the statement below which most applies to you.

a. I would benefit from the use of a Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle (WAV) but I don’t currently have access to one.

b. I would benefit from access to another accessible vehicle (e.g., car, scooter or wheelchair) but I don’t currently have access to one.

c. I would benefit from any other mobility equipment but I don’t currently have access to this.

d. I benefit from the use of a Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle (WAV) and I currently have access to one.

e. I benefit from access to another accessible vehicle (e.g., car, scooter or wheelchair) and I currently have access to one.

f. I benefit from any other mobility equipment and I currently have access to this.

g. I would not benefit from any of the above vehicles or equipment to help with my mobility needs.

16. Postcode (We are asking for this information so we can find profile information about the area you live in, e.g. whether it is in a city, town or the countryside. There is no need to provide your postcode if you would prefer not to).

17. Gender

a. Man/boy

b. Woman/girl

c. Prefer not to say

d. In another way

18. Age [ADP clients]

a. 16-24

b. 25-34

c. 35-44

d. 45-54

e. 55-64

f. 65+

g. Prefer not to say

19. Age [CDP clients]

a. 0-4

b. 5-10

c. 11-15

d. 16-18

e. Prefer not to say

20. Ethnic group

A. White

  • Scottish
  • Other British
  • Irish
  • Polish
  • Gypsy / Traveller
  • Roma
  • Showman / Showwoman
  • Other white ethnic group, please type in:

B. Mixed or multiple ethnic groups

  • Any mixed or multiple ethnic groups, please type in:

C. Asian, Scottish Asian or British Asian

  • Pakistani, Scottish Pakistani or British Pakistani
  • Indian, Scottish Indian or British Indian
  • Bangladeshi, Scottish Bangladeshi or British Bangladeshi
  • Chinese, Scottish Chinese or British Chinese
  • Other, please type in:

D. African, Scottish African or British African

  • Please type in (for example, Nigerian, Somali):

E. Caribbean or Black

  • Please type in (for example, Scottish Caribbean, Black Scottish):

F. Other ethnic group

  • Arab, Scottish Arab or British Arab
  • Other, please type in (for example, Sikh, Jewish):

Prefer not to say

21. Do you have a physical or mental health condition or illness lasting or expected to last 12 months or more?

a. Yes

b. No

c. Prefer not to say

22. [If Q21=yes] Does this condition or illness affect you in any of the following areas? (Please select all that apply)

a. Vision (for example blindness or partial sight)

b. Hearing (for example deafness or partial hearing)

c. Mobility (for example walking short distances or climbing stairs)

d. Dexterity (for example lifting or carrying objects, using a keyboard)

e. Learning or understanding or concentrating

f. Mental health

g. Memory

h. Stamina or breathing or fatigue

i. Socially or behaviourally (for example associated with Autism, attention deficit disorder or Asperger’s syndrome)

j. None of the above

k. Prefer not to say

l. Other (please specify:)

23. [If Q21=yes] Does your condition or illness reduce your ability to carry-out day-to-day activities?

a. Yes, a lot

b. Yes, a little

c. Not at all

d. Prefer not to say

Interviews and recontact details

24. Thank you for responding to our survey. We are also interested in interviewing some survey respondents, and everyone who takes part in an interview will receive a £30 Love2Shop voucher.

[mandatory] Would you be interested in taking part in an interview as part of this research? This would involve talking to one of our research team about these issues in a bit more detail, and would take up to 30-45 minutes.

a. Yes

b. No [Route to end]]

[If Q24=yes] Thank you for your interest in taking part in an interview. Please do note that there is a maximum number of interviews we can do, so it may not be possible to interview everyone who wants to take part, and we might have to be selective, to make sure we speak to a diverse range of people across the country. Please provide the following details and the best way to recontact you.

25. First Name

26. Last Name

27. [mandatory if Q24=yes] How would you like us to contact you? (Please select one)

a. Phone (Please provide your phone number:)

b. Text (Please provide your phone number:)

c. WhatsApp (Please provide your phone number:)

d. Email (Please provide your email address:)

e. Post (Please provide your postal address:)

28. If selected, how would you prefer to take part in an interview? (You can select more than one)

a. Phone

b. Online (e.g. Zoom, Teams)

c. In-person

Thank you for completing this questionnaire. Please click ‘Submit’ when you are finished to return your responses to The Lines Between



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