Devolved disability benefits evaluation: research

In October 2023, the Scottish Government commissioned The Lines Between (TLB) to carry out research to inform an evaluation of transitions from Child Disability Payment (CDP) to Adult Disability Payment (ADP) in the context of the devolved disability benefits

Appendix 5: Questionnaire for clients and formal representatives


Thank you very much for your interest in taking part in this survey, which should take no longer than 15-20 minutes to complete.

Please read the information below to learn more about the research and what taking part involves.

The Lines Between (TLB) is an independent social research company. We have been asked by the Scottish Government to find out what people think about policy changes made to support clients moving from Child Disability Payment (CDP) to Adult Disability Payment (ADP).

The changes aim to make the application process as straightforward as possible for disabled people and their appointees/representatives intending to apply for ADP while being in receipt of CDP. The key policy change that was introduced through the launch of CDP is extending the age at which individuals are eligible for CDP from 16 to 18 years old. Further changes ensure that where someone in receipt of CDP successfully applies for ADP, they do not experience a gap in payment when moving from CDP to ADP. There have been changes to Social Security Scotland's communications with disabled people and their appointees/representatives and the support available to people ahead of applying for ADP. New regulations to support this client journey also came into place on the 20th of November.

The research is exploring how all of the above are impacting the experiences of people who choose to apply for ADP while receiving CDP. The Scottish Government will use the research findings to consider ways of making the process better for disabled people and their appointees/representatives.

We understand that you have either applied for ADP having previously received CDP, or are perhaps thinking about applying, and would like to ask you about your experiences.

Taking part is voluntary and you can skip any questions you don't want to answer.

We will combine the data collected from the survey with information collected from other research participants and will write a report for the Scottish Government, which will be published. We might use some quotes from your response in the report, but these will always be anonymised, and no one will be able to identify you in any of the reported results.

We won't share any information that could identify you with anyone else. The only exception is if you say anything which makes us worried that you or someone else might be in danger of harm. In this case, we might have to inform relevant agencies. We will only do this if you provide contact details in your responses, and we will tell you if there is any information we need to pass on to other agencies.

Taking part is optional and will not affect any of your applications or benefits. No one who makes benefit decisions now or in the future will know you have taken part.

At the end of the survey there will be the option to take part in a follow-up interview with a researcher from The Lines Between, but we might not be able to interview everyone who would like to take part. If you are invited and take part in an interview, you will receive a £30 Love2Shop or Amazon gift card.

If you have any questions, or would like to complete this questionnaire in an alternative format, please contact The Lines Between:

  • [TLB contact details were provided here]

(TICK BOX – I understand and am happy to continue)

[MANDATORY] Would you like to read a privacy notice with more information about how we will use the data we collect from you?

a. Yes [route to privacy notice]

b. No [skip privacy notice]


By selecting yes below, you confirm you understand that:

a. anonymised quotes from your survey response might be used in the report we write for the Scottish Government

b. it is up to you whether you complete the survey

c. you can skip any questions you do not want to answer

d. we won't share any information that could identify you with anyone else. The only exception is if you say anything which makes us worried that you or someone else might be in danger of harm. In this case, we might have to inform relevant agencies. We will tell you if there is any information we need to pass on to other agencies.

[MANDATORY] I am willing to take part in this survey

a. Yes

b. No [if no, skip to end page]

Section 1: Introductory questions [FOR ALL]

1. [MANDATORY] Are you completing this questionnaire based on your experience of applying for and/or receiving Adult Disability Payment or Child Disability Payment for yourself, or as a parent, carer, appointee or representative of a child or adult? Please select one option.

a. My experience of applying for and/or receiving Adult Disability Payment or Child Disability Payment for myself

b. I am a parent, carer, appointee or representative of a child or adult receiving Child Disability Payment or Adult Disability Payment

c. Other (please specify:__________)

2. [MANDATORY] Which of the following applies to you?

a. I/we have applied successfully for ADP

b. I/we have applied unsuccessfully for ADP

c. I/we have applied for ADP and am waiting for a determination

d. I/we are in the process of thinking about applying for ADP now but have not applied

e. None of the above – Please describe/comment [route to section 7]

3. [MANDATORY] Did you or the person you represent receive Disability Living Allowance for Children from the DWP before receiving Child Disability Payment from Social Security Scotland?

a. Yes

b. No

4. [MANDATORY] [If Q3=a] Were you/the person you represent close to your/their 18th birthday when you/they transferred to CDP (i.e. within two months before or after the 18th birthday)?

a. Yes

b. No

c. Don't know/not sure

Section 2: If you have not yet applied for ADP [ONLY FOR RESPONDENTS WHO HAVE NOT APPLIED YET (Q2=d)]

5. Do you or the person you represent intend to apply for ADP?

a. Yes

b. No

6. [If Q5=b] If not, why? Please describe in a few words the reason(s) for not intending to apply for ADP. [open question]

7. [If Q5=a] Do you have any concerns or worries about applying for ADP?

a. Yes

b. No

8. [If Q7=a] What are your concerns about?

a. Eligibility

b. Payments (e.g. delays or reductions)

c. The application process

d. Something else

9. [If Q8=a, b, c or d] Please tell us more about these concerns

a. Eligibility (if selected above) (open)

b. Payments (e.g. delays or reductions) (if selected above) (open)

c. The application process (if selected above)

d. Something else (if selected above)


10. When are you/the person you represent planning to apply?

When I am/the person I represent is:

a. 15

b. 16

c. 17

d. 18

e. Don't know/not sure

10a. [If Q10=c] It would be helpful to know more precisely when you or the person you represent are planning to apply for ADP so we can make sure we're speaking to a range of people with different experiences. Don't worry if you're not sure, please select the option you think best applies to you or select 'don't know/not sure'

a. Two months or less before my/their 18th birthday

b. More than two months before my/their 18th birthday

c. Don't know/not sure

11. What factors influence when you/the person you represent plan to apply?

a. I/we want to wait until near my/the person I represent's 18th birthday so that I/they receive CDP for as long as possible.

b. I/we want to apply as early as possible so I/the person I represent start receiving ADP as early as possible

c. I/we wanted to apply as early as possible to get the process over and done with

d. It's difficult to find the time to complete the application so I/we will leave it as late as possible

e. Other (please specify)

Section 3: Information and guidance [FOR ALL]

12. How helpful did you find the letters you received from Social Security Scotland about when and how to apply for ADP?

a. Very helpful

b. Quite helpful

c. Not at all helpful

13. Did you receive any other information or advice from Social Security Scotland or any other organisations to help you understand the process involved in applying for ADP?

a. Yes

b. No

c. Don't know/Can't remember

14. [If Q13=a] Which organisation(s) helped you? (Please select all that apply)

a. Social Security Scotland

b. Another organisation (please name)

15. [If Q13=a] How did they help?

a. General one-to-one or group advice and information

b. Written information (online or paper)

c. Advocacy (help to deal with Social Security Scotland or other organisations)

d. Other (please specify)

16. [FOR APPLICANTS ONLY (Q2=a,b,c)] Did you receive any help with completing your application from any organisations?

a. Yes

b. No – I/we did not need any

c. No – I/we did not know where to find support


Section 4: Applying for ADP [ONLY FOR RESPONDENTS WHO HAVE APPLIED (i.e. Q2=a,b or c)]

17. [Only for those who have received a determination, i.e. Q2= a or b] Did you hear about the outcome of your application:

a. Before 20 November 2023

b. On or after 20 November 2023

18. What age were you or the person you represent when you/they applied for ADP?

a. 15

b. 16

c. 17

d. 18

e. Don't know/not sure

18a. [If Q18=c] It would be helpful to know more precisely how old you or the person you represent were when you/they applied for ADP so we can make sure we're speaking to a range of people with different experiences. Don't worry if you can't remember exactly, please select the option you think best applies to you, or select 'don't know/not sure'

a. Two months or less before my/their 18th birthday

b. More than two months before my/their 18th birthday

c. Don't know/not sure

19. Did you have any concerns or worries about applying for ADP?

a. Yes

b. No

20. [If Q19=a] What are your concerns about? Select all that apply.

a. Eligibility

b. Payments (e.g. delays or reductions)

c. The application process

d. Something else

21. [If Q20=a, b, c or d] Please tell us more about these concerns

a. Eligibility (if selected above) (open)

b. Payments (e.g. delays or reductions) (if selected above) (open)

c. The application process (if selected above)

d. Something else (if selected above)

22. What factors influenced when you/the person you represent applied?

a. I/we wanted to wait until near my/the person I represent's 18th birthday so that I/the person I represent received CDP for as long as possible.

b. I/we wanted to apply as early as possible so I/the person I represent started receiving ADP as early as possible

c. I/we wanted to apply as early as possible to get the process over and done with

d. It was difficult to find the time to complete the application so I/we left it as late as possible

e. Other (please specify)

23. Did you apply online or on paper?

a. Online

b. Paper

c. Another way (please describe)

24. Overall, how easy or difficult did you find the application process?

a. Very easy

b. Easy

c. Neither easy nor difficult

d. Difficult

e. Very difficult

f. Can't remember / Don't know

Section 5: After you applied [ONLY FOR RESPONDENTS WHO HAVE APPLIED (i.e. Q2=a or b)]

25. [If Q2=a or b] How much do you agree or disagree with this statement? (strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, strongly disagree, can't remember or don't know)

a. My application was handled within a reasonable time frame

26. [If Q2=a] Did you receive your ADP payments on time and as expected?

a. Yes

b. No

c. Can't remember

d. Not applicable

27. [If Q2=b] How much do you agree or disagree that it was clear why your application had been unsuccessful? (strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, strongly disagree, can't remember or don't know)

Section 6: Reflections on the application process [ONLY FOR RESPONDENTS WHO HAVE APPLIED (i.e. Q2=a,b or c)]

28. How much do you agree with these statements about applying to ADP? (Strongly agree/agree/neither agree nor disagree/disagree/strongly disagree/can't remember or don't know)

a. I/we felt supported through the process

b. I/we understood what was involved in the process

c. I/we understood the options available about when to apply to ADP

d. The amount of information I/we had to provide was appropriate

e. I/we felt anxious

f. I/we felt uncertain

g. I/we felt in control of my benefits

h. I/we felt treated with dignity, fairness and respect

i. I/we felt reassured that I would continue to receive CDP until I turn(ed) 18 (or 19 in certain circumstances) if my ADP application was unsuccessful

j. I/we understood my/our rights to a redetermination and appeal if the application was unsuccessful

29. Overall, how would you describe your experience of applying to ADP while receiving CDP?

a. Very good

b. Good

c. Poor

d. Very poor

Section 7: Overall reflections [FOR ALL]

30. What, if anything, could be done to make it easier for people applying for ADP while receiving CDP?

a. More practical support for applicants (e.g. with completing the application)

b. More information about the process

c. Clearer information about the process

d. Other (please specify)

31. Do you have any other comments about the process of moving to, or applying for ADP while receiving CDP?

Section 8: Final questions about you/your child or the person for whom you are completing this questionnaire [FOR ALL]

[If Q1=b] Please complete the following questions with details about the person who you are the parent, carer, appointee or representative for.

The information you provide in the following questions will help us to ensure we capture the views of a diverse range of people. Only the research team will see your responses and no identifiable information will be shared.

You can also choose to skip any questions.

32. Postcode (We are asking for this information so we can find profile information about the area you live in, e.g. whether it is in a city, town or the countryside. There is no need to provide your postcode if you would prefer not to).

33. Gender

a. Man/boy

b. Woman/girl

c. Identify in another way

d. Prefer not to say

34. Age

a. 0-4

b. 5-10

c. 11-15

d. 16-18

e. 19 or over

f. Prefer not to say

35. Ethnic group

A. White

  • Scottish
  • Other British
  • Irish
  • Polish
  • Gypsy / Traveller
  • Roma
  • Showman / Showwoman
  • Other white ethnic group, please type in:________________

B. Mixed or multiple ethnic groups

  • Any mixed or multiple ethnic groups, please type in:_______________

C. Asian, Scottish Asian or British Asian

  • Pakistani, Scottish Pakistani or British Pakistani
  • Indian, Scottish Indian or British Indian
  • Bangladeshi, Scottish Bangladeshi or British Bangladeshi
  • Chinese, Scottish Chinese or British Chinese
  • Other, please type in:_________________

D. African, Scottish African or British African

  • Please type in (for example, Nigerian, Somali):_________________

E. Caribbean or Black

  • Please type in (for example, Scottish Caribbean, Black Scottish):____________

F. Other ethnic group

  • Arab, Scottish Arab or British Arab
  • Other, please type in (for example, Sikh, Jewish):___________________

Prefer not to say

36. Do you/the person you represent have a physical or mental health condition or illness lasting or expected to last 12 months or more?

a. Yes

b. No

c. Prefer not to say

37. [If Q36=a] Does this condition or illness affect you/the person you represent in any of the following areas? (Please select all that apply)

a. Vision (for example blindness or partial sight)

b. Hearing (for example deafness or partial hearing)

c. Mobility (for example walking short distances or climbing stairs)

d. Dexterity (for example lifting or carrying objects, using a keyboard)

e. Learning or understanding or concentrating

f. Mental health

g. Memory

h. Stamina or breathing or fatigue

i. Socially or behaviourally (for example associated with Autism, attention deficit disorder or Asperger's' syndrome)

j. None of the above

k. Prefer not to say

l. Other (please specify:_________________)

38. [If Q36=a] Does the condition or illness reduce your/the person you represent's ability to carry out day-to-day activities?

a. Yes, a lot

b. Yes, a little

c. Not at all

d. Prefer not to say

Section 9: Interviews and recontact details [FOR ALL]

39. Thank you for responding to our survey. We are also interested in interviewing some survey respondents to discuss some of these issues in more detail.

This would involve talking to one of our research team about these issues in more detail, and would take up to 30-45 minutes. We will give you a £30 Love2Shop or Amazon gift card if you take part in an interview.

You can have another family member, friend, appointee or representative with you during the interview if you would like. If we speak to both you and a friend, family member, appointee or representative, we will give you one gift card between you.

[MANDATORY] Would you be interested in taking part in an interview as part of this research?

a. Yes

b. No [Route to end]

[If Q39=a] Thank you for your interest in taking part in an interview.

Please note there is a maximum number of interviews we can do, so it may not be possible to interview everyone who wants to take part, and we might have to be selective to make sure we speak to a diverse range of people across the country.

Please provide the following details and the best way to recontact you.

40. First Name

41. Last Name

42. [MANDATORY if Q39=a] If selected, how would you like us to contact you? (Please select one)

a. Phone (Please provide your phone number:____________)

b. Text (Please provide your phone number:____________)

c. WhatsApp (Please provide your phone number:____________)

d. Email (Please provide your email address:_________________)

e. Post (Please provide your postal address:__________________)

43. If selected, how would you prefer to take part in an interview? (You can select more than one)

a. Phone

b. Online (e.g. Zoom, Teams)

c. In-person

Thank you for completing this questionnaire. Please click 'Submit' when you are finished to return your responses to The Lines Between



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