
Research to Inform the Five Year Review of the Home Report

Conducted to inform the five-year review of the Home Report. This research followed on from, and was informed by, the Home Report public consultation launched on 5 December 2013. The research study was conducted by Ipsos MORI and Retties and Co. and examined how the Home Report has performed over the past 5 years.

Appendix G - Advanced Recruitment Letter for Depth Interviews

July 2014


Dear xx

The Scottish Government has commissioned Rettie & Co and Ipsos MORI to undertake a review of the Home Report; five years on from its introduction. The research is designed to assess the effectiveness of the Home Report within the housing market and evaluate its contribution over the past five years. The research will also review the extent to which the Home Report has met its set objectives during this time.

I am writing to you in the hope that you will agree to participate in a short interview to discuss your experiences of the Home Report. We are keen to speak to a wide range of professionals within the housing industry, in order to ensure that all perspectives are represented. We would therefore be very grateful if you could spare some time to take part.

Fieldwork will take place between 4th August and 26th September and the interview would be conducted at a time which is convenient for you. It can be undertaken either over the telephone or at our Edinburgh office, whichever suits you best.

Please be assured that any comments you make during the interview will be treated in the strictest confidence and you will not be identifiable in any reports that we produce.

You do not need to do anything immediately, as a member of the Ipsos MORI research team will phone you to arrange a suitable date and time for the interview to take place.

If you would prefer not to participate, or if you would like further information about the research, please do not hesitate to contact Carolyn Black at Ipsos MORI on 0131 240 3261 or by email ( The Project Manager at the Scottish Government is Ruth Whatling, who can be contacted on 0131 244 0427 or

Yours sincerely,

Mark Diffley
Research Director, Ipsos MORI Scotland


Email: Ruth Whatling

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