
National Planning Framework 4 - improving air quality outcomes: research

Research findings on improving air quality outcomes that will help inform policy development for National Planning Framework 4.

4. Stage 3 - Outcomes


4.1 The main aim of Stage 3 was to prepare a set of survey questions that could be used in a survey designed to further develop the conclusions of the research project based on practical experience of air quality and planning in Scotland. The survey would be aimed at professionals who work in the fields of air quality and planning and deal with the interactions between the two, e.g. Environmental Health Officers and Planners in Scotland.

4.2 The survey questions are based on the set of conclusions and best practice examples identified in Stages 1 and 2, with the aim of interrogating, strengthening and evidencing them further. The survey would aim to promote the recommendation of the CAFS Review: ‘P3: Local Authority Air Quality Performance Specifics and Knowledge Exchange’ by encouraging communication with Local Planning Authorities and enabling conversations around best practice.

4.3 The survey questions have been divided into sections and categorised to clearly present the content to the respondent, with the aim of reducing ‘survey fatigue’. In addition, questions surrounding the links and relationship between LAQM and LDP have been included with the aim of further understanding this relationship from those who work on both.

Survey Questions – Introductory

Question 1: Which option/description best describes your Local Planning Authority area? Please circle those which apply.

Urban / rural / coastal / mountainous / industrial / suburban


Question 2: What are the main sources of air pollution of concern in your area? Please tick all which apply.

  • Road transport
  • Industry
  • Ports and shipping
  • Domestic
  • Agriculture
  • Other

Question 3: Does your area have any Air Quality Management Areas declared? Please circle one answer and specify.

Yes / No

If yes, how many?

Question 4: In terms of air quality, what are the greatest challenges your Local Planning Authority faces? (i.e. guidance, statutory powers, funding, resources etc.)

Survey Questions – Planning Policy and Air Quality

Question 5: Are there improvements to Scottish Planning Policy that you believe could be made in the context of air quality? This can be considered at national and local level.

Question 6: What should the focus of the upcoming NPF4 be in terms of air quality and development planning?

Question 7: Which policies areas should air quality be integrated with and should this be only reflected at NPF4 or be also included as part of LDP

Question 8: Do you personally, or your Local Planning Authority use or recommend use of the following documents:

  • EPUK-IAQM, Guidance on land-use planning and development control: Planning for air quality
  • EPS-RTPI Scotland, Delivering Cleaner Air for Scotland: Development Planning & Development Management?

If yes, please indicate what are the drivers. 

Question 9a: In your opinion, is the LAQM regime adequately represented within Scottish planning policy (national) and vice versa? Please circle one number on the scale of 1 to 10, 1 being least represented and 10 being well represented.

(least) 1------2------3------4------5------6------7------8------9------10 (most)

Question 9b: In your opinion, is the LAQM regime adequately represented within Scottish planning policy (local) and vice versa? Please circle one number on the scale of 1 to 10, 1 being least represented and 10 being well represented.

(least) 1------2------3------4------5------6------7------8------9------10 (most)



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