
Purpose-built student accommodation (PBSA) and student housing: research findings

This report is the main output from a research project we commissioned in January 2022. The research was commissioned to inform the work of the Purpose Built Student Accommodation (PBSA) Review Group.

Study Background and Methods

This research summary provides an overview of the main findings from a research project commissioned in January 2022 by the Scottish Government. The research was commissioned to inform the work of the Purpose Built Student Accommodation (PBSA) Review Group, who have been tasked with the development of a Student Accommodation Strategy for Scotland. The research was carried out by a team from the UK Collaborative Centre for Housing Evidence (CaCHE), along with colleagues from the University of Cardiff and Rettie and Co.

In addition to a comprehensive review of relevant literature, the research involved engaging with key stakeholders and students. The research team interviewed or met with:

  • 6 Scotland-level representatives (representing universities, colleges, students, PBSA providers, investors and regulatory oversight)
  • 10 case study representatives (Glasgow, Edinburgh and Dundee/St Andrews) of educational institutions, local government (housing or planning leads) and PBSA providers (2 interviewees commented on national and case study level questions)
  • 4 meetings with Scottish Government and other public sector representatives to discuss aspects of the overlap between the project and their interests
  • A focus group of senior UK level staff offered by one PBSA provider
  • The workshop findings of a meeting between the Review Group and the Research team discussing emerging findings in late June 2022.

The first stage of data collection with students involved an online survey. The survey gauged the perceptions and experiences of students, identifying emerging themes and differences between students in different housing circumstances and locations. In addition, the survey collected demographic data, including their housing tenure, age, gender identity, sexual orientation, experience of physical or mental health conditions or illnesses, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, and experience of family estrangement. The survey was open to students aged 18+ living in one of the case study areas. The survey was distributed from April 2022 – June 2022. In total, the survey received 908 responses. The survey was largely completed by students in higher education – only 36 of the 908 respondents declared themselves to be studying a college course.

A key purpose of the survey was to support recruitment for semi-structured one-to-one interviews. Students were given an option in the survey to agree to be contacted for a follow-up interview. 45 interviews were undertaken between April and June 2022 in tandem with the survey: 15 with students living in Glasgow, 15 with students living in Edinburgh, and 15 with students living in Dundee (8) and St Andrews (7).



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