
Scottish social security system - seldom-heard groups: research

Evidence review setting out the current seldom-heard groups across the Scottish social security system and the barriers they face to accessing their entitlements.

Appendix A: Search string examples

Scopus Search String:

(TITLE-ABS-KEY(Welfare Or "social security") And TITLE-ABS-KEY("take up" Or uptake Or claim*) And ) And PUBYEAR > 2017 And PUBYEAR < 2024 And ( LIMIT-TO ( AFFILCOUNTRY,"United Kingdom" ) ) And ( LIMIT-TO ( DOCTYPE,"ar" ) Or LIMIT-TO ( DOCTYPE,"re" ) Or LIMIT-TO ( DOCTYPE,"ch" ) ) And ( LIMIT-TO ( LANGUAGE,"English" ) ) And ( LIMIT-TO ( SUBJAREA,"SOCI" ) Or LIMIT-TO ( SUBJAREA,"ECON" ) ) AND ( LIMIT-TO ( EXACTKEYWORD,"United Kingdom" ) )

Google Scholar strings:

Welfare Or benefits Or "social security" And "take up" Or uptake Or claim* (Range 2018-2023)

Welfare Or benefits Or social security And take up Or uptake Or claim* And minority ethnic (Range 2018-2023)

Google search engine:

Google: Welfare Or benefits Or social security And take up Or uptake Or claim*



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