
Reshaping Care for Older People 2011 - 2021

A short, plain English summary of the Reshaping care for Older People Programme, to accompany the publication of our update paper, 'Getting On'.


There are some important developments coming up, including the Bill for integrating health and social care and the Review of Care Standards.

We will:

  • Use the Reshaping Care for Older People outcomes framework to check we are doing the right things to succeed up to 2021.
  • Listen to the public and people that deliver health and social care across Scotland to help us reshape older people's care.
  • Ensure that older people have a say in how we reshape the services they use, or may use in the future.
  • Continue to share what we learn. This includes what didn't work as well as the positive outcomes of efforts to reshape care.
  • Make sure we tackle the economic challenges of an older population while recognising the valuable contribution older people make to society.

"It's not always about your GP, there are lots of other organisations that can help you and things that you can do to help yourself and other people. For me, it's about doing something about isolation."

Peter Dawson; Dumfries and Galloway; on his experience of using local support sessions set up with Change Fund monies


Email: Alan Martin

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