
Reshaping Care for Older People 2011 - 2021

A short, plain English summary of the Reshaping care for Older People Programme, to accompany the publication of our update paper, 'Getting On'.

Care Information Scotland

Care Information Scotland is a telephone and website service which enables older people to access information about the range of services available; how to access care, care standards, charging information (which includes an explanation of free personal and nursing care and direct payments) and much more.

Since Care Information Scotland was established the shape of services has changed as well as how people connect with information providers.

A review of the service involving a wide range of stakeholders has confirmed we should broaden the reach of the service to all care groups. We will also make it more user friendly and give people using the service more ways to connect and share their experiences. We will implement the new redesigned service over the coming year and welcome your feedback to help us do this.

You can call 08456 001 001, or visit the website:


Email: Alan Martin

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