
Residential rehabilitation: status report on current levels of capacity

This survey was designed to provide a cross-sectional snapshot of the residential rehabilitation national landscape in Scotland.

Executive summary

  • Of the 20 residential rehabilitation facilities surveyed, all replied. Sixteen of facilities provided residential treatment for both alcohol and drug addiction, 3 provided treatment for drugs only and 1 provided treatment for alcohol only.
  • The total estimated number of beds available in Scotland, for the treatment of alcohol and drug addiction is 418. This has been revised up by 53 since the mapping report, which reported 365.
  • As a result of the current COVID-19 pandemic, a number of the surveyed rehabilitation providers reported running at a reduced total capacity.
  • Residential rehabilitation providers reported that a combined total of 268 beds were currently occupied at the time of survey, indicating they are running at around 69% of their current capacity and around 64% of their total maximum capacity pre COVID-19.
  • In the short term residential rehabilitation providers spoke of the need to secure additional resource to better cope with the impact of COVID-19 on their service, the need to secure funding for specific minor refurbishments of vacant space within their service and the need to upgrade systems.
  • In addition, existing pathways to secure funding for placements was mentioned as a significant barrier to fulfilling current capacity.
  • In the medium term residential rehabilitation providers mentioned the need to secure funding for more significant renovation and or building work to make additional space for residents. In addition there is a need to further develop pathway from detox into rehabilitation.
  • In the long term the principal action mentioned by rehabilitation providers was to be able to secure a new building and staffing resource as well as new community resources and facilities that specifically meet the needs of women and women who require childcare facilities.



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