Residential rehabilitation bed capacity in Scotland, September 2024
This publication presents the findings from a survey of drug and alcohol residential rehabilitation facilities in Scotland to provide updated data on bed capacity.
The total residential rehabilitation bed capacity presented in these statistics is the maximum reported number of available placements, at any one time, for adults to receive residential rehabilitation treatment in Scotland. Facilities were asked to self report their maximum number of beds for residential rehabilitation treatment. This is not the same as the number of beds occupied – beds occupied may be lower than the maximum for a variety of reasons e.g. demand, staffing etc. In addition, the number of available beds at Phoenix Futures Harper House may well be lower than the maximum capacity presented here depending on the composition of the families attending the facility at any given point in time.
There is a risk that the survey did not reach all facilities in Scotland that meet the definition of residential rehabilitation and, as such, these facilities are not included in the statistics presented.
Residential rehabilitation operational models vary and some facilities have additional temprorary emergency capacity. These emergency beds are not included in the maximum capacity figures reported here.
This survey was targeted at residential facilities and therefore does not provide insight into the full complement of community based rehabilitation-like support in Scotland. In addition to residential capacity, some facilities also offer rehabilitation treatment on a day/outpatient basis (typically either for the provision of aftercare support or for clients who benefit from returning home in the evening e.g. to meet the needs of those with caring responsibilities). This day/outpatient rehabilitation treatment capacity is not included in the numbers presented here.
The statistics presented here rely on information provided via self-reporting and there may be subjectivity inherent in their responses. While data has been validated and quality assured this is not an independent audit.
Accessing help and support for problem drug use
If you or anyone you know is affected by drug use, support is available via the following organisations:
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