Residential rehabilitation bed capacity in Scotland, September 2024
This publication presents the findings from a survey of drug and alcohol residential rehabilitation facilities in Scotland to provide updated data on bed capacity.
Appendix A: Survey questions relating to these data
A short survey was developed by the Scottish Government to gather updated figures for residential rehabilitation bed capacity in Scotland. The survey also included questions around day patient/outpatient treatment, expansion plans and placement funding status. These are not reported on in this publication due to challenges around data quality and validation.
Survey questions related to the analysis presented in this report were:
1. What is the maximum number of residential beds at your facility for substance use rehabilitation?
[open text]
2. Which ADP areas would your facility be open to accepting referrals from?
[multiple choice; response options: list of ADP areas with an option for “all” and “other, please specify”]
3. Would you describe the service you provide as: “offering programmes which aim to support individuals to attain an alcohol or drug-free lifestyle and be re-integrated into society, and which provide intensive psychosocial support and a structured programme of daily activities which residents are required to attend over a fixed period of time”?
[single option]
- Yes
- No
- Don’t know
There is a problem
Thanks for your feedback