
Residential Rehabilitation Working Group: terms of reference

Terms of reference for the Residential Rehabilitation Working Group.

Proposed remit

  • advise Scottish Ministers on a programme of work to ensure for the provision of drug and alcohol residential rehabilitation services across Scotland to ensure that everyone who requires has access to it. This will include summarising existing drug and alcohol residential rehabilitation services across the 31 IJBs in Scotland and identification of good practice examples;
  • deliver a review of existing pathways in, through and out of drug and alcohol residential rehabilitation, including identifying barriers and opportunities;
  • set out models of funding and delivery of residential rehabilitation treatment;
  • provide practical advice to Scottish Ministers on evidence and tools to anticipate service demand and uptake to support capacity planning;
  • provide support to the Drug Deaths Taskforce in tests of change work to reduce deaths and improve access to residential rehabilitation;
  • explore the potential for a national approach to measuring the success of residential rehabilitation services.

Duration and frequence of meeting

  • the group will be established in early summer 2020 and will report to Scottish Government in autumn 2020
  • frequency of meetings will be established in discussion with the group at the first meeting.  However, we anticipate the group will meet a maximum of four times, each meeting lasting around two hours, in order to conclude its work according to timetable
  • Scottish Government Alcohol and Drug National Support Team will support the Chair and provide secretariat to the group to ensure objectives are achieved


Name Organisation/group Interest/capacity
Dr David McCartney LEAP Chair
April Adam Fife Intensive Rehabilitation and Substance Misuse Team (FIRST) Third sector
Annemargaret Black Chief Officer for Clacks and Stirling IJBs
Graeme Callander Scottish Government  
Angela Mogan Community Justice Scotland Community Justice Scotland
Justina Murray Scottish Families Affected by Alcohol and Drugs Lived experience
David Pentland Via Change Team Homelessness
Jardine Simpson Scottish Recovery Consortium Lived experience
Dr Zoe Stanley Consultant Clinical Psychologist/Head of Substance Misuse Psychology, Forth Valley Substance Misuse Services LPASS
Vaughan Statham Prison Care Network Prison care
Rosemary White North Ayrshire Alcohol and Drug Partnership Alcohol and Drugs Partnership Coordinators
Lyndsey Wilson Hague Phoenix Futures Rehab providers
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