
Residential tenants keeping pets: equality impact assessment

Equality impact assessment (EQIA) for residential tenants keeping pets.

Equality Impact Assessment Results

Title of Policy:

Part 3 Housing (Scotland) Bill (“the Bill”) - Residential tenants keeping pets

Summary of aims and desired outcomes of Policy:

Measures in the Bill are designed to give private and social housing tenants greater flexibility to have a pet by introducing a right to request to keep a pet, and for tenants’ requests not to be unreasonably refused.

For a Private Rented Tenancy under the Private Housing (Tenancies) (Scotland) Act 2016 (“2016 Act”) (those whose tenancy began on or after 1 December 2017); and for social rented sector tenants with a Scottish Secure Tenancy or a Short Scottish Secure Tenancy under the 2001 Act, this will:

  • improve the renting experience for private and social housing tenants by giving them more control over having a pet, supporting their mental health and wellbeing;
  • more closely align the rights of private and social housing tenants creating greater equality of outcome between tenures; and
  • appropriately balance the strengthened rights for tenants with sufficient protections for landlords.


Directorate for Local Government and Housing: Better Homes: Private Rented Housing Team.



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