Residential tenants keeping pets: equality impact assessment

Equality impact assessment (EQIA) for residential tenants keeping pets.


1 Housing to 2040 - (

2 Supporting documents - A New Deal for Tenants - draft strategy: consultation - (

3 Delivering our National Missions - Programme for Government 2023 to 2024 - (

4 Private Housing (Tenancies) (Scotland) Act 2016 (

5 See footnote 2

6 A New Deal for Tenants: consultation analysis - (

7 Rented sector reform: landlord and tenant engagement questionnaire - analysis report - (

8 Research_Report-_Survey_of_Private_Landlords_-_Shelter_England.pdf (

9 Understanding Landlords (

10 English Private Landlord Survey 2021: main report - GOV.UK (

11 Ethnicity and National Identity in England and Wales - Office for National Statistics ( Ethnic group, national identity, language and religion variables Census 2021 - Office for National Statistics ( Please note that this comparison has not been tested for statistical significance

12 Scottish Government, Housing statistics: Stock by tenure. Figures are estimated stock as at March 2022. In the Financial Memorandum, the number of private rented households is rounded to 340,000 when used in costings.

13 See footnote 6

14 Pets and private renting: a rapid evidence review of the barriers, benefits, and challenges (

15 Full article: Everyday activism: Private tenants demand right to home (

16 More Than a Furry Companion: The Ripple Effect of Companion Animals on Neighborhood Interactions and Sense of Community in: Society & Animals Volume 15 Issue 1 (2007) (

17 Pets and private renting: a rapid evidence review of the barriers, benefits, and challenges ( p.10

18 RentBetter Wave 2 Full Reports | Rent Better (

19 Supporting documents - Scottish Surveys Core Questions 2022 - (

20 Do Pets keep us young? (

21 Pets can help their humans create friendships, find social support - Harvard Health

22 Poverty and Income Inequality in Scotland 2020-23 (

23 ‘Generation rent’ and the ability to ‘settle down’: economic and geographical variation in young people’s housing transitions: Journal of Youth Studies: Vol 20 , No 1 - Get Access (

24 Living in Scotland’s private rented sector: a bespoke survey of renter’s experiences | Housing Evidence

25 ‘Simply to be let in’: opening the doors to lower-income older adults and their companion animals - PMC (

26 Morley: The importance of pet loss and some implications... - Google Scholar

27 Disruptive Solidarity or Solidarity Disrupted? A Dialogical Narrative Analysis of Economically Vulnerable Older Adults' Efforts to Age in Place with Pets - PMC (

Owner-Related Reasons Matter more than Behavioural Problems—A Study of Why Owners Relinquished Dogs and Cats to a Danish Animal Shelter from 1996 to 2017 - PMC (

Reasons for Relinquishment and Return of Domestic Cats (Felis Silvestris Catus) to Rescue Shelters in the UK: Anthrozoös: Vol 22, No 4 (

28 Combined figure for ‘single parents’, ‘large families’ and ‘small families’

29 Supporting documents - Scottish Surveys Core Questions 2022 - (

30 Family_Friendly_Tenancies_in_the_PRS.pdf (

31 Childhood Attachment to Pets: Associations between Pet Attachment, Attitudes to Animals, Compassion, and Humane Behaviour - PubMed (

Animal-assisted therapies for youth with or at risk for mental health problems: A systematic review: Applied Developmental Science: Vol 21 , No 1 - Get Access (

The Richness of the Child-Pet Relationship: A Consideration of Both Benefits and Costs of Pets to Children: Anthrozoös: Vol 3, No 4 (

Quality of life and adolescents’ communication with their significant others (mother, father, and best friend): the mediating effect of attachment to pets: Attachment & Human Development: Vol 19 , No 3 - Get Access (

32 Childhood Attachment to Pets: Associations between Pet Attachment, Attitudes to Animals, Compassion, and Humane Behaviour - PubMed (

33 Pets and private renting: a rapid evidence review of the barriers, benefits, and challenges ( p17

34 See footnote 19

35 ‘They ask no questions and pass no criticism’: A mixed-methods study exploring pet ownership in autism | Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders (

36 Pets and private renting: a rapid evidence review of the barriers, benefits, and challenges (

37 Pet Ownership as a Meaningful Community Occupation for People With Serious Mental Illness | The American Journal of Occupational Therapy | American Occupational Therapy Association (

Animal-Assisted Therapy Ameliorates Anhedonia in Schizophrenia Patients | Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics | Karger Publishers

38 “I Can’t Give Up When I Have Them to Care for”: People’s Experiences of Pets and Their Mental Health (

39 See footnote 19

40 Scotland’s Gender Equality Index 2023 (

41 See footnote 39

42 See footnote 39

43 The low-income indicator measures the proportion of adults with an income below 60% of the UK median income, after equivalising for dependent children living with them. Due to limitations of the available data, we have assumed that costs related to dependent children are shared proportionate to individual income within a family. This indicator uses income before housing costs to avoid needing to make assumptions about how housing costs are split within a couple.

44 Wealth in Scotland 2006-2020 (

45 In 2018-2020, 70% of households with a male household head owned property, whereas only 59% of households with a female household head did. This gap was consistent over time.

46 Living in Scotland’s Private Rented Sector: A Bespoke Survey of Renters’ experiences – September 2022

47 39% of men compared to 47% of women surveyed

48 Cost of Living (Tenant Protection) (Scotland) Bill: equalities impact assessment - (

49 Additional child poverty analysis 2024 - (

50 Tackling child poverty delivery plan: fourth year progress report 2021-2022 - focus report on households with babies under one - (

51 lgbt_in_britain_-_trans_report_final.pdf (

52 "I didn’t feel safe being my full self" - the LGBTQ+ experience of renting (

53 Equality-Network-Consultation-Response-A-Human-Rights-Bill-for-Scotland-4th-October-2023-.pdf

54 National LGBT Survey: Research report - GOV.UK (

55 Scottish Surveys Core Questions 2019 (Last updated: January 2021)

56 Inclusive Participation in Rural Scotland: A Preliminary Exploration (

57 Poverty and Income Inequality in Scotland 2020-23 - Equality analysis. 21% of adults who did not answer the question about sexual orientation also reported being in relative poverty after housing costs.

58 See footnote 19

59 includes ‘White: Irish’, ‘White: Gypsy/Traveller’, 'Roma', 'Showman/Showwoman' and ‘White: Other White Ethnic Group’

60 'Asian' includes the categories Asian, Asian Scottish or Asian British

61 All other ethnic groups' includes categories within the 'Mixed or Multiple Ethnic Group', ‘African’, ‘Caribbean or Black’ and ‘Other Ethnic Group’ sections

62 See footnote 19

63 includes ‘White: Irish’, ‘White: Gypsy/Traveller’, 'Roma', 'Showman/Showwoman' and ‘White: Other White Ethnic Group’

64 'Asian' includes the categories Asian, Asian Scottish or Asian British

65 All other ethnic groups' includes categories within the 'Mixed or Multiple Ethnic Group', ‘African’, ‘Caribbean or Black’ and ‘Other Ethnic Group’ sections

66 The Cost of Living Crisis in Scotland: An Analytical Report ( p.42

67 According to Census 2011 data

68 Scottish Government (2020). Poverty and income inequality in Scotland 2016-19 and Additional poverty analysis 2018 - (

69 Ethnicity and Housing in Scotland, Coalition for Racial Equality and Rights, July 2020

70 According to Census 2011 data

71 ‘Generation rent’ and the ability to ‘settle down’: economic and geographical variation in young people’s housing transitions: Journal of Youth Studies: Vol 20 , No 1 - Get Access (

72 Housing needs of minority ethnic groups: Evidence review (, January 2021

73 Scottish Government, Poverty and Child Poverty Data for Download

74 RentBetter Baseline Full Reports | Rent Better (

75 See footnote 79

76 Housing needs of minority ethnic groups: evidence review - ( p31

77 The Urban Institute – Leading and sharing thinking in Urban Planning, Real Estate, and Urban Design. (

78 Minoritised ethnic access to social housing in Scotland at key transition points - Shelter Scotland

79 Scottish Household Survey 2022: Key Findings - ( Data table 1.17. Rates of difficulty paying were 3% for White Scottish, 2% for White British, 4% for White Other, and 2% for Minority Ethnic Group HIH respondents. Scottish Household Survey results for 2022 have been assessed to be comparable in the most part to 2019 and earlier years. However, the 2022 results for tenure should be treated with caution, as there is evidence to suggest that social rented and private rented households may be slightly under-represented in the 2022 achieved sample.

80 Pets and private renting: a rapid evidence review of the barriers, benefits, and challenges (

81 Housing needs of minority ethnic groups: evidence review - (

82 Housing needs of minority ethnic groups: evidence review - ( Wave-2-Tenant-qualitative-AE030522-for-publication.pdf (

83 See footnote 19

84 The 'Other' group includes Hindu, Buddhist, Pagan, Jewish, Sikh, and 'Another religion' responses

85 Poverty and Income Inequality Statistics March 2024



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