Mental health unscheduled care services: resources

This Mental Health Unscheduled Care (MHUC) resource has been developed for staff working in Unscheduled Care or Out of Hours settings. The resource brings together a range of national resources and tools to support and improve people’s mental health and wellbeing.

2 Digital Services

2.1 Introduction to digital services

2.2 Self-Referral Digital Therapies

2.1 Introduction to digital services

Digital treatments and online resources are now an integral part of mental health service delivery across Scotland. All of our digital services are proven to be clinically effective and safe to use while providing self-help, self-managed treatments.

The digital wellbeing landscape has grown significantly and has seen the development and expansion of online resources to provide self-help tools, promote emotional wellbeing, and provide signposting to other mental health services and support.

Self-referral therapies

Self-Referral Digital Therapies enable individuals to access therapies with no requirement for referral from a GP or any other mental health professional. The individual can access the therapies via a web-link and these require no support from health professionals.

There are two types of self-referral treatments:

  • those that have no monitoring of risk - these are suited to service users with mild symptoms and designed for preventative treatment
  • those with in-built monitoring of risk - these are suited to service users with mild to moderate symptoms on the stepped care model

2.1 Self-Referral Digital Therapies

2.2.1 Supported self-referral therapies

Supported self-referral therapies with in-built monitoring of risk:

2.2.2 Unsupported self-referral therapies

Unsupported self-referral therapies with no monitoring of risk:

General Population

  • Money Worries (Space from Money Worries)
  • Positive Body Image (Space for Positive Body Image)
  • Resilience (Space for Resilience)
  • Stress (Space from Stress)
  • COVID-19 (Space from COVID-19)
  • Sleep problems (Space from Sleep)

Student specific

  • Money Worries (Space from Money Worries)
  • Positive Body Image (Space for Positive Body Image)
  • Resilience (Space for Resilience)
  • Stress (Space from Stress)


  • Supporting an anxious teen (12-18)
  • Supporting an anxious child (4-11)

Passcode: Scotland2020

For further reading on digital see Appendix 2
For further digital learning and training



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