Mental health and wellbeing in primary care services: resources
This resource has been developed to support staff working in general practice. It is intended to help all staff contribute to the link worker function within the Services, by providing a directory of additional sources of help and support, that people can be connected in with.
23. Learning Disabilities Support
23.1 People with a learning disability, their families and carers
People with learning disabilities and their families and carers, can access a number of support resources from local and national charities operating in Scotland. ENABLE Scotland is a national Scottish charity that offers support to people with learning disabilities, their families and carers. They operate an advice line as well as online resources. Promoting a More Inclusive Society (PAMIS) is a national Scottish Charity that offers support and advice to people with Profound or Multiple Learning/Intellectual Disabilities and their families. Down’s Syndrome Scotland is the national organisation for people with Down’s Syndrome and their families and carers. Local groups may also be operating in your area.
23.2 NHS Education for Scotland Learning Disability website
The NHS Education for Scotland Learning Disability website will be continuously updated with further training, support and signposting for both professionals and individuals. This includes resources, training and guidance to assist with the annual health check process for people with learning disabilities.
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