
Primary care services - mental health and wellbeing: resources

Resource developed to support staff working as part of a multi-disciplinary team in mental health and wellbeing in primary care service. It provides a directory of additional sources of help and support to help all staff.

9 Violence Against Women and Girls

9.1 Domestic Abuse

On average between 1 in 3 and 1 in 5 women will experience domestic abuse in the course of her lifetime (2019). Whatever form it takes, violence against women and girls can have both an immediate and long-lasting impact on the women, children and young people directly involved and it can directly affect mental health. It is important for members of the Mental Health and Primary Care Service teams to respond compassionately and appropriately to any disclosure made, have a basic understanding of consent, know what a healthy relationship and domestic abuse look like, and be able to refer onto a another service, when needed.

The Domestic Abuse Training Toolkit is a learning resource for professionals. It also contains a map to local support services.

9.2 That’s Not OK | Young Scot

That’s Not OK is a resource co-designed with and for young people on consent, healthy relationships and these different forms of violence. Healthy relationships and consent: key messages for young people on healthy relationships and consent for any professional working with young people age 11-up. These work just as well for adults.



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