
Primary care services - mental health and wellbeing: resources

Resource developed to support staff working as part of a multi-disciplinary team in mental health and wellbeing in primary care service. It provides a directory of additional sources of help and support to help all staff.

17 Suicide Prevention and Self-harm

17.1 Suicide Bereavement Support Service pilot

A suicide bereavement support pilot service is currently underway, covering the NHS Highland and NHS Ayrshire & Arran health board areas, and being provided by Support In Mind Scotland and Penumbra as joint partners.

The pilot service provides early advice and assistance to bereaved families, as well as practical support such as help in arranging a funeral, advice on financial issues and the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal (COPFS) process, an assessment of need, a safety plan, and signposting to local organisations which can further assist the family.

The service operates seven days a week and initial contact with bereaved families is made within 24-hours of a referral. The pilot is running for an initial period of two years.

Individuals who wish to self-refer to the service may do so by emailing or by phoning 0800 471 4768. All calls to this number are free and every contact will be responded to within 24 hours. Voice files of calls received at any time of the day or night are forwarded on to the email address above. Additionally, a self-refer form is available by emailing the service and may be passed on from users of the service to others who may wish to use the service.



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