Primary care services - mental health and wellbeing: resources
Resource developed to support staff working as part of a multi-disciplinary team in mental health and wellbeing in primary care service. It provides a directory of additional sources of help and support to help all staff.
Appendix 4: NHS Board Information
Health Board
NHS Ayrshire and Arran
Green Health Partnerships
North Ayrshire Green Health Partnership
Mental health webpage
NHS Ayrshire & Arran - Mental Health and Wellbeing (
Health Board
NHS Borders
Digital mental health email contact
Mental health webpage
Health Board
NHS Dumfries and Galloway
Digital mental health email contact
Mental health webpage
Mental Health and Wellbeing – NHS Dumfries & Galloway (
Health Board
NHS Fife
Digital mental health email contact
Mental health webpage
Local Support and Resources - Mental Health - Access Therapies Fife NHS (
Health Board
NHS Forth Valley
Digital mental health email contact
Mental health webpage
NHS Forth Valley – Mental Health & Wellbeing
Health Board
NHS Grampian
Mental health webpage
Mental Health and Psychological Wellbeing Support (
Health Board
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Digital mental health email contact
Mental health webpage
NHSGGC : Mental Health Services
Health Board
NHS Highland
Green Health Partnerships
Highland Green Health Partnership
Digital mental health email contact (for argyll and Bute only, not highland north)
Mental health webpage
Highland Mental Wellbeing – A collection of resources to support mental wellbeing (
Health Board
NHS Lanarkshire
Green Health Partnerships
Lanarkshire Green Health Partnership
Digital mental health email contact and
Mental health webpage
Health Board
NHS Lothian
Digital mental health email contact
Mental health webpage
Health Board
NHS Orkney
Mental health webpage
Mental Health | NHS Orkney (
Health Board
NHS Shetland
Mental health webpage
NHS Shetland: Mental Health (
Health Board
NHS Tayside
Green Health Partnerships
Dundee Green Health Partnership | NatureScot
Mental health webpage
Health Board
NHS Western Isles
Mental health webpage
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