
Primary care services - mental health and wellbeing: resources

Resource developed to support staff working as part of a multi-disciplinary team in mental health and wellbeing in primary care service. It provides a directory of additional sources of help and support to help all staff.

6 Adults: Mental Health and Wellbeing Advice, Support and Signposting

6.1 NHS Inform

Online guides to mental wellbeing and self-help guides from clinicians for a wide range of mental health concerns. Advice on dealing with low mood, anxiety, phobias, stress and where to get help or find support groups.

Details of health and wellbeing services in Scotland. Includes GP practices, dental services and support groups can be found at Scotland’s Service Directory.

The “Your Mental Wellbeing” section links to existing, updated and new online resources including mental health content and Self Help Guides. This resource was developed to provide enhanced care information in relation to making a plan for care (advance care plan). The resources are intended to be accessible for all demographics the website includes audio content and translated BSL content.

The core website is split into:

  • Content on Mental Health conditions
  • Content on Mental Wellbeing
  • Mental Health Self Help Guides

6.2 Mind to Mind

The Scottish Government has developed a new website which supports the general adult population of people living in Scotland. It offers bite-sized videos of ordinary people talking about real world challenges, along with tips and advice from people and related professionals, with lived experience of mental health issues alongside signposting to further support.

6.3 Together Let’s Care for your Mental Health

This campaign aims to raise awareness of a range of mental health information, and services that support mental health. It’s been developed between NHS 24, Police Scotland and the Scottish Ambulance service as part of a joint response to the Scottish Government Mental Health Strategy 2017-2027. Under the banner ‘Together Let’s Care for your Mental Health’ partners are able to signpost to a range of digital self-help guides from clinicians and options for further support. Additional information is also available for a range of day to day concerns such as anxiety, depression, young people’s mental health needs, alcohol, gambling and drug use as well as COVID-19 specific information.

6.4 NHS 24 Mental Health Hub at 111

The Mental Health Hub is available 24 hours a day, 7 days of the week for those in need of urgent out of hours support. Individuals can call 111 and follow the telephone prompts. A team of Psychological Well-being Practitioners (PWPs) and Mental Health Nurses will support callers to the Mental Health Hub 111 service.

There are a number of possible outcomes, the majority of calls are resolved without the need for any onward referral. PWPs are specially trained staff who are expertly supported by Mental Health Senior Charge Nurses and Mental Health Nurse Practitioners.

The Mental Health Hub also have a direct referral Pathway to the Distress Brief Intervention (DBI) programme, which complements the regional expansion of DBI at a local level. NHS24 Mental Health Hub staff may offer this pathway for those who contact them in distress – where callers are assessed as appropriate – from anywhere across Scotland.

DBI provides an ‘ask once – get help fast’ early intervention for people:

  • aged 16 years and over;
  • in distress/emotional pain, and;
  • who do not need urgent medical or clinical treatment.

The programme provides an offer of support for people within 24 hours of referral, with problem solving, wellness and distress management planning for a period of up to 14 days and connections to local supports, where required. NHS24 will continue to use the current clinical pathways for those who require a clinical response. This enables more people across Scotland to benefit from the connected compassionate support DBI has created. As at March 2022 over 7,000 people have been referred to DBI via the NHS24 pathway.

The Scottish Government has committed to roll DBI out to all NHS Boards areas by March 2024. Good progress is already being made to support this commitment.

Independent evaluations of the main DBI pilot and the NHS24 expansion of DBI are due for publication in Spring 2022; the findings of these will help inform the continued development, improvement and rollout of DBI.

6.5 Clear Your Head

The website was launched to help people look after their mental wellbeing during the pandemic. It highlights the practical things people can do to help them feel better, such as staying active, keeping connected with friends and family and creating healthy routines, whilst acknowledging that these are worrying and uncertain times for many. It has been created in partnership with Healthier Scotland, NHS Scotland, Breathing Space and Samaritans Scotland.

It provides signposting to support services such as the mental health hub, the Samaritans, Breathing space and to a range of other resources including NHS Inform, the Scottish Recovery Network, Young Scot, Healthy Working Lives and The Spark.

6.6 Breathing Space

Breathing Space is primarily an out of hours confidential telephone support and signposting line. Breathing Space is aimed at adults aged 16 or over to provide a listening ear and support to those experiencing low mood, depression or anxiety.

Opening hours: Weekdays: Monday–Thursday 6pm to 2am Weekend: Friday 6pm–Monday 6am Helpline number: 0800 83 85 87

Different ways to access Breathing Space and NHS 24 on 111 are:

6.7 Samaritans

Samaritans provides free, confidential support 24/7 for anyone that needs it. Their website provides a range of information and support including a self-help app, support groups for those bereaved by suicide, and a campaign encouraging men in rural communities to seek help for their mental health.

6.8 Living Life to the Full

These free online courses cover low mood, stress and resilience. People can work out why they feel as they do, how to tackle problems, build confidence, get going again, feel happier, stay calm, tackle upsetting thinking and more. The courses are free for individuals using them in their own lives.

6.9 Mind: Side by Side

Mind provides support to empower anyone over the age of 18, experiencing a mental health problem.



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