Anti-bullying guidance for adults working with children and young people

Guidance for schools and organisations on preventing and responding to bullying between children and young people, including advice on online bullying and recording and monitoring incidents.


1 Experience of bullying – Health and Wellbeing Census Scotland 2021- 2022 – (

2 Throughout this document the term organisations will be used to apply to all non-school-based settings where children and young people may attend, including after-school clubs, youth groups, activity clubs and higher and further education settings, for example.

3 Throughout this document the term parent(s) will be used to apply to anyone with parental responsibility, including carer(s) and guardians, those providing a foster or residential placement, corporate parents, or the education authority where full parental responsibility rests with them.

4 Peer victimisation during adolescence and its impact on depression in early adulthood: prospective cohort study in the United Kingdom (

5 Bullying fosters interpersonal distrust and degrades adolescent mental health as predicted by Social Safety Theory

6 Further discussion of physical behaviour is contained at Section 3.

7 Annual Child and Family Poverty Surveys Wales 2023

8 What do we mean by race and racism? – Promoting Anti-Racist Education in Scotland (

9 Left to their own devices - Young people, social media and mental health

10 A systematic review of digital risk and mitigations in children aged 8 to 12 – Challenges and Opportunities

11 Technology use and the mental health of children and young people

12 Sapouna, M. (2024). Adverse childhood experiences and bullying: Findings from the Growing up in Scotland cohort [Manuscript submitted for publication]. School of Education and Social Sciences, University of the West of Scotland.

13 Othering is a process whereby individuals and groups are treated and marked as different and inferior from the dominant social group.

14 Responding to Racist Incidents – Promoting Anti-Racist Education in Scotland (


16 The minimum age to create accounts on most social media platforms is 13.

17 Age of Legal Capacity (Scotland) Act 1991 (

18 School Bullying: a Social Justice Issue? How Restorative Approaches May Prevent Future Violence

19 Children in Scotland – Inclusion Ambassadors

20 Public Sector Equality Duty: specific duties in Scotland | EHRC (

21 Abusive Behaviour and Sexual Harm (Scotland) Act 2016 (

22 Information note on hate crime



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