Respiratory care action plan draft: consultation report

The analysis of the consultation responses for the draft Respiratory Care Action Plan for Scotland, which sets out our vision for driving improvement in the diagnosis, treatment and care for those living with respiratory conditions.

Annex D Glossary of terms

Please find below a list of commonly used terms within this analysis. 

Allied Healthcare Professional

Healthcare professionals distinct from dentistry, nursing, medicine, and pharmacy. They provide a range of diagnostic, technical, therapeutic, and support services in connection with health care

Anticipatory Care Planning

Planning in advance for future care needs

ALISS (A Local Information System for Scotland)

Resource to signpost people with long term conditions, disabled people and unpaid carers to access the information they need to help them live well 

Atlas of Variation

Help to identify unwarranted variation and assess the value that healthcare provides to both populations and individuals


The practice or techniques used to diagnose a condition

Health and social care

Services that are available from health and social care providers. Used to refer to the whole of the healthcare provision infrastructure, public and private sector

Information Services Division

Provides health information, health intelligence, statistical services and advice that support the NHS in progressing quality improvement in health and care and facilitates robust planning and decision making

Multi-disciplinary team

A group of professionals from one or more clinical disciplines who together make decisions regarding recommended treatment of individual patients

Near Me

A video consulting system that allows to attend appointments virtual via video link

Patient pathway/patient journey

The route or path a patient will take if they are referred for treatment by their GP (or other health professional)

Pharmacy First

NHS service delivered by local community pharmacies, providing advice and if necessary medication for minor illnesses

Private sector

Part of the economy that is run by individuals and companies for profit and is not state controlled


Information or data collected by amount


Information or data collected relating to the meaning or standard of something


Treatments and therapies to improve recovery


People who answered and commented on questions


Provision of education and supportive interventions by health care staff to increase patients' skills and confidence in managing their health problems

Third Sector

Volunteer and non-profitable organisations


To improve knowledge and skills of healthcare professionals in particular conditions


Those that work within a particular setting such as healthcare this includes, GPs, nurses, pharmacists etc



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