
Responding to female genital mutilation: multi-agency guidance

A framework for agencies and practitioners to develop and agree processes that promote the safety and wellbeing of women and girls.

8. Resources

Video on NHS Choices where women who have had FGM discuss how they would like to see professionals hold sensitive conversations about FGM:

Scottish Government Statement

Scottish Government statement opposing FGM, outlining the law and where to get help in Scotland or whilst abroad.

Scottish Government - One Scotland Website

Chief Medical Officer/Chief Nursing Officer letter 2016: guidance for service specification and standards for healthcare to prevent FGM, and respond to the needs of survivors


Chief Medical Officer/Chief Nursing Officer letter 2015: additional resources available for services for people who have experienced, or are at risk of


FGM Awareness Raising Postcard


This postcard’s message is that FGM has no health benefits and is illegal.

Sara’s Story

A short animated film which has been developed in consultation with women survivors of FGM, and experienced practitioners.

World Health Organisation ( WHO) Fact Sheet on FGM

Scottish Legislation on FGM

National Training Resources website,234/


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