
Progress in reducing emissions in Scotland 2023: SG response

Scottish Government's response to the Climate Change Committee’s 2023 'Progress in reducing emissions in Scotland' report, as published in March 2024.


The Scottish Government is grateful for the Climate Change Committee’s (CCC) 2023 report for Scotland, outlining progress on reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The Scottish Government remains absolutely committed to ending Scotland’s contribution to global emissions as soon as possible, and by 2045 at the latest. Scotland’s emissions halved between 1990 and 2022, while our economy has grown by 67%, proving that tackling climate change and growing our economy go hand in hand. However, we recognise that the second half of our journey to net zero journey will be even more challenging, and Scotland must, like all other countries, ensure a just transition in areas like agriculture, transport and heat in buildings in order to meet our ambitious net zero goals.

The CCC’s recognition of positive progress in Scotland is welcome. There is much to be proud of, such as the extension of free bus travel to under-22s, and our work planting nearly 75% of all new forests in the UK last year – more than the other UK nations combined.

We recognise the Climate Change Committee’s advice and their challenge for us to go further, faster. Since the CCC released their progress report on 20 March 2024, the Scottish Government has made significant steps forward in our journey to reaching net zero. On 18 April 2024, the Scottish Government announced an accelerated package of new climate action measures to support Scotland’s just transition to net zero. This package includes commitments to:

  • Deliver approximately 24,000 additional electric vehicle charging points by 2030;
  • Develop a new integrated ticketing system that people can use across all public transport;
  • Continue implementation of the Agricultural Reform Programme, increasing conditions on payments over the next two years to better balance our commitments on food security, climate mitigation and biodiversity support;
  • Publish our route map for 20% car km reduction by Autumn 2024, with a timeline for implementing demand management (this will include consideration of how local government action can further incentivise the switch to EVs in addition to reducing overall car km); and
  • Consult on proposals to introduce a carbon land tax as part of considering fiscal and regulatory measures to incentivise peatland restoration, afforestation and renewable energy generation.

In addition to the new package of climate action measures, the Scottish Government also announced on 18 April 2024 our intention to bring forward legislation to address matters raised by the Climate Change Committee and ensure Scotland’s climate change framework better reflects the reality of long-term climate policymaking. The legal commitment to reach net zero by 2045 is unwavering. The draft Bill will retain annual reporting, while introducing a target approach based on five-yearly carbon budgets. We will continue to include international aviation and shipping emissions in our account and will not allow for emissions to be carried between budgets.

The following report outlines the Scottish Government’s response to the CCC’s report to Parliament on progress in reducing emissions in Scotland. The Scottish Government has accepted or partially accepted all 15 recommendations from the CCC. In areas which are partly or wholly reserved to the UK government, the Scottish Government will continue to support and make the case for full and active cooperation.



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