Deer (Scotland) Act 1996 - proposed amendments: consultation analysis

Responses to a stakeholder consultation on proposed amendments to the Deer (Scotland) Act 1996 to be undertaken via secondary legislation. The proposed amendments included changes to; male deer close seasons, ammunition weights and night shooting.

OneKind Response

Hello Brodie,

Thanks for seeking our views on this. We only have a few brief comments.

On bullet weight, we note the conclusion of the NatureScot research that the proposed change would have no detrimental effect on deer welfare, and so accept that proposal.

Similarly, we have no objection to removing the close season for male deer, as long as all requirements for high standards of animal welfare are adhered to, including avoiding harassing and disturbing stags after the rut.

On nights sights, we do not object to the proposed change as long as certain measures are taken. The first is to follow the Scottish Animal Welfare Commission recommendation that a suitably trained dog always be used, and that more formal dog training practices are introduced. The second is to ensure that only professional, trained stalkers are permitted to use night sights – the author of the NatureScot commissioned study highlighted the importance of this. The author also recommended further research on how to mitigate several potential welfare risks, and that research should be conducted without delay and the results used to inform best practice.

Best wishes,

OneKind, 50 Montrose Terrace, Edinburgh EH7 5DL

“OneKind” is the operating name of OneKind Charity. Registered Charity No. SC041299. OneKind is a Registered Trade Mark. Company Limited by Guarantee No. 158471.



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