
Restorative justice and empathy-based interventions for animal welfare and wildlife crimes

This review summarises the available evidence on the use of community-based restorative justice and empathy-based interventions in animal welfare and wildlife crimes.


1. Scottish Government (2019a) Available at:

2. Admonishment, under Scots Law, is a warning given to a person convicted of an offence not to commit another crime, but no other punishment is given alongside this warning. The offence is still recorded as a conviction.

3. A diversion from prosecution is used by the Procurator Fiscal, who can choose to divert offenders to a local social work team or other service provider. See Scottish Government (2011) Diversion from Prosecution Toolkit, Available at:

4. Scottish Government (2021) Available at:

5. Scottish Government (2012) p.3 Available at:

6. Scottish Government (2020) Available at:

7. Charges can result in an outcome of more than one disposal type.

8. A disposal is the closure of a case, which can occur either in court or out of court.

9. Sourced from the Scottish Government Criminal Proceedings Database, which does not publish all statistics. A summary of annual criminal proceedings statistics are available at:

10. Scottish Government (2019a) Available at:

11. Scottish Government (2019b) Available at:

12. Kirkwood (2018) Available at:

13. Scottish Government (2019b) Available at:

14. Scottish Government (2019b) Available at:

15. Kirkwood (2018) Available at:

16. Scottish Government (2019a) Available at:

17. Braithwaite (2016) Restorative justice and responsive regulation: the question of evidence. RegNet Working Paper No. 51, School of Regulation and Global Governance (RegNet)

18. Braithwaite (2002) Restorative Justice and Responsive Regulation. Oxford: Oxford University Press

19. McElrea (2004) The Role of Restorative Justice in RMA Prosecutions. Resource Management Journal, 12(3)

20. Zehr (2015) The Little Book of Restorative Justice. UNICEF

21. Preston, B.J. (2011) The use of restorative justice for environmental crime. Criminal Law Journal, 35: 136-161. Available at:

22. Restorative Justice: Strategies for Change (2021)

23. Wolff (n.d.) Available at:

24. Day, Casey & Gerace (2010) Interventions to improve empathy awareness in sexual and violent offenders: Conceptual, empirical and clinical issues. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 15(3), 201-208.

25. Joliffe & Farrington (2004) Empathy and offending: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 9(5), 441-476.

26. McMahon & Washburn (2003) Violence prevention: An evaluation of program effects with urban African American students. Journal of Primary Prevention, 24(1), 43-62; Sahin (2012) An investigation into the efficiency of empathy training program on preventing bullying in primary schools. Children and Youth Services Review, 34(7), 1325-1330.

27. Joliffe & Farrington (2004) Empathy and offending: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 9(5), 441-476.

28. See for example Bas-Sarmiento, Fernández-Gutiérrez, Baena-Baños & Romero-Sánchez (2017) Efficacy of empathy training in nursing students: A quasi-experimental study. Nurse Education Today, 59: 59-65; Suarez, A., Lee, D. Y., Rowe, C., Gomez. A. A., Murowchick. E. and Linn. P. L. (2014). Freedom Project: Nonviolent Communication and Mindfulness Training in Prison. London: SAGE Open.

29. Sprinkle (2008) Animals, Empathy and Violence: Can Animals Be Used to Convey Principles of Prosocial Behavior to Children. Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice,  6(1), 47-58.

30. Scottish SPCA Animal Guardians programme

31. RSPCA Young Offenders: Understanding why kindness matters

32. RSPCA Breaking the Chain intervention programme

33. Paws for Progress CIC

34. Gupta, Lunghofer & Shapiro (2017) Interventions with Animal Abuse Offenders. In The Palgrave International Handbook of Animal Abuse Studies. London: Palgrave Macmillan. 497-518.

35. Shapiro & Henderson (2016) The identification, assessment, and treatment of adults who abuse animals: The AniCare approach. New York: Springer.

36. Gupta, Lunghofer & Shapiro (2017) Interventions with Animal Abuse Offenders. In The Palgrave International Handbook of Animal Abuse Studies. London: Palgrave Macmillan. 497-518.

37. Shapiro, Randour, Krinsk & Wolf (2014) The assessment and treatment of children who abuse animals: The AniCare child approach. New York: Springer.



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