Restricting multi-buy price promotions on high fat, sugar or salt discretionary foods: analysis summary - briefing

Analysis on the impact on potential calorie and nutrient intake by SRUC and the University of Aberdeen of restricting multi-buy promotions of high fat, sugar or salt discretionary food and drink. It is a companion to reducing health harms of foods high in fat, sugar or salt: economic modelling – final report.

3. Background

Generally Scotland has a poor diet and an unhealthy weight, consuming too many calories and too many foods high in fat, sugar or salt. In turn, this can have a negative impact on health and wellbeing.

It is estimated that obesity in Scotland costs the NHS between £363 million-£600 million in treating obesity and the health harms associated with it. To the wider Scottish economy it is estimated to cost around £0.9 billion-£4.6 billion each year (2015 values).[3]

Restricting promotion of HFSS discretionary foods has been highlighted as a policy of value to include alongside a range of other interventions[4]. Further policy context and discussion of evidence is set out in the SRUC report.



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