Results from the Scottish Agricultural Census: June 2023 Methodology Report

Summary of quality-related information on the June Agricultural Census 2023 results and 2022 estimates.

2022 Estimates

The June Agricultural Census (JAC) for Scotland did not take place in 2022 due to improvement work around the census.  

 However, administrative data from the Single Application Form (SAF), poultry composite data collection and CTS (Cattle Tracing Scheme) was available in 2022. This allowed for the majority of land area data, majority of poultry and all cattle data to be available in 2022. CTS is an administrative data source held by the British Cattle Movement Service (BCMS). 

 For data usually collected within the census the data gaps were populated through the following route: 

- Missing data replace with JAC 2021 data (if present for the holding) 

- If no JAC 2021, JAC 2023 data used (or 2023 administrative data) 

 This data was combined to create a holding level dataset to estimate agricultural census items for 2022.



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