Results from the Scottish Agricultural Census: June 2024

Final results from the 2024 June Agricultural Census on land use, crop areas, livestock and the number of people working on agricultural holdings.

Module results on slurry storage and agricultural machinery are also included within this publication.

Most holdings have a single person or related individuals legally responsible for them

Not all responses to the agricultural census provide legal responsibility details. Information in this section comes from 22,400 holdings.

Where legal responsibility had been declared, nearly all holdings (96%) had either one person or two or more related people with legal responsibility for the holding. These holdings accounted for 75% of agricultural land. Land that an organisation had legal responsibility for made up 3.5% of holdings, covering 22% of the total agricultural land area.

Figure 16: Percentage of holdings and area by legal responsibility, 2024

Stacked bar chart of legal responsibility. In 2024, 50% of holdings had one person and 46% had two or more related individuals with legal responsibility. 0.9% had two or more not related individuals and 3.5% had an organisation with legal responsibility. Holdings with a legal responsibility of one person accounted for 31% of land area, while 44% of agricultural land had two or more related individuals with legal responsibility. 2.5% of land area had two or more not related and 22% of land area had an organisation with legal responsibility.



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