Results from the Scottish Agricultural Census: Module June 2023

This report provides final results from the 2023 June Agricultural Census module covering: soil cover, tillage, irrigation, nutrient management, and fertiliser application and storage. 

Most manure/slurry is broadcast spread

The type of manure and slurry spreading technique can affect the nutrient benefits and emissions that are released. Precision spreading techniques, such as band spreading with trailing hoses and shoes, can reduce ammonia emissions for example. Rapid incorporation of manure and slurry, following application onto fields, can also reduce ammonia emissions, and preserve nitrogen in the soil.

Respondents were asked to estimate the percentage of the manure/slurry spread on their holding by different techniques. Broadcast spreading with manure not ploughed in, on average, accounts for 43% of the manure/slurry spread on holdings. Broadcast spreading with manure ploughed in after 4 hours, accounts for 30% of the manure/slurry spread on holdings. Other spreading techniques account for small amounts of the total manure/slurry spread.

Figure 6: Average percentage of manure/slurry spread by spreading technique

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