Results from the June 2016 Scottish Agriculture Census

Statistics regarding the area of crops and other farmland, livestock, agriculture workforce and rented farmland, for Scotland in 2016.

Appendix of tables

Final Results of the June 2016 Agricultural Census together with June results for the years 2006 to 2015 for comparison

Table 6. Number of poultry, 2006 to 2016

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Percentage change between 2015 & 2016
Fowls for producing eggs
Pullets and hens in the laying flock 2,735,455 2,919,810 2,953,144 3,066,853 3,677,229 3,746,067 3,082,613 3,539,396 3,824,321 4,369,578 4,645,964 6.3%
Pullets being reared for laying 865,257 1,237,748 1,035,966 869,153 893,387 1,289,354 1,379,620 1,239,825 1,885,032 1,740,903 1,680,240 -3.5%
Total fowls for producing eggs 3,600,712 4,157,558 3,989,110 3,936,006 4,570,616 5,035,421 4,462,233 4,779,221 5,709,353 6,110,481 6,326,204 3.5%
Fowls for breeding
Breeding hens 1,258,088 1,199,836 1,166,551 1,105,064 1,073,256 1,218,937 947,138 1,083,481 975,196 1,061,091 1,060,351 -0.1%
Cocks 109,883 116,962 118,417 120,462 100,506 124,453 107,187 127,472 136,926 128,092 132,073 3.1%
Total fowls for breeding 1,367,971 1,316,798 1,284,968 1,225,526 1,173,762 1,343,390 1,054,325 1,210,953 1,112,122 1,189,183 1,192,424 0.3%
Broilers and other table birds 8,561,905 8,584,991 8,471,892 8,088,820 8,755,751 8,077,846 9,074,234 8,086,193 7,804,746 5,669,826 6,513,194 14.9%
Turkeys 20,212 16,492 18,300 14,210 10,533 9,996 12,472 12,259 11,693 10,488 10,312 -1.7%
Other poultry 48,992 53,115 51,688 55,006 56,591 59,753 90,740 95,389 104,182 75,190 72,614 -3.4%
Total poultry 13,599,792 14,128,954 13,815,958 13,319,568 14,567,253 14,526,406 14,694,004 14,184,015 14,742,096 13,055,168 14,114,748 8.1%


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