Results from the June 2016 Scottish Agriculture Census

Statistics regarding the area of crops and other farmland, livestock, agriculture workforce and rented farmland, for Scotland in 2016.

Appendix of tables

Final Results of the June 2016 Agricultural Census together with June results for the years 2006 to 2015 for comparison

Table 1a. Agricultural area in hectares, 2006 to 2016

From 2009, data on land use has been obtained from the Single Application Form ( SAF) for holdings claiming Basic Payment Scheme entitlements (previously Single Farm Payments). This has been combined with land use data from all other holdings, collected through June Census forms, to generate overall results. This change in the underlying data source constitutes a step change in the data series, which is more evident for certain land use categories.

b Step change - use of SAF Data
2006 2007 2008 2009 (1) 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Percentage change between 2015 & 2016
Wheat 99,681 102,744 113,797 92,482 111,418 115,412 100,637 86,840 109,023 109,562 109,594 0.0%
Triticale 1,286 1,237 1,096 612 687 629 554 513 519 626 614 -1.8%
Barley 274,402 278,644 319,934 332,161 290,299 308,425 332,039 339,138 326,884 307,686 286,930 -6.7%
Winter barley 53,762 52,625 57,612 45,149 47,948 45,477 42,816 42,694 52,507 51,808 48,031 -7.3%
Spring barley 220,640 226,019 262,322 287,011 242,351 262,948 289,222 296,444 274,377 255,878 238,899 -6.6%
Oats 22,682 20,868 21,720 22,299 22,981 21,715 23,672 31,728 25,050 25,615 31,210 21.8%
Winter oats 6,618 7,234 6,529 5,225 7,366 6,929 5,423 5,569 7,998 7,586 8,091 6.7%
Spring oats 16,064 13,634 15,191 17,074 15,615 14,785 18,249 26,159 17,052 18,029 23,119 28.2%
Rye (2) : : : : : : : : 405 915 3,725 306.9%
Mixed grain 461 405 239 1,230 893 923 807 1,373 646 75 18 -76.2%
Total cereals (3) 398,513 403,898 456,786 448,783 426,278 447,104 457,709 459,592 462,528 444,479 432,091 -2.8%
Winter oilseed rape 30,978 34,276 31,623 26,948 34,115 36,918 35,541 31,454 36,420 35,198 30,141 -14.4%
Spring oilseed rape (4) 2,764 2,058 2,000 2,182 1,876 1,470 1,070 2,199 720 599 590 -21.4%
Linseed (4) 314 238 179 : 105 138 : : : 151 : :
Total oilseeds 34,056 36,572 33,802 29,130 36,096 38,526 36,611 33,653 37,140 35,948 30,731 -14.5%

(1) From 2009, data on land use has been obtained from the Single Application Form ( SAF) for holdings claiming Basic Payment Scheme entitlements (previously Single Farm Payments).
(2) Area relates only to those holdings who have submitted a Single Application Form ( SAF). SAF holdings account for around 90% of land area in Scotland.
(3) Total cereals figure includes rye from 2014. Rye was previously counted in 'other crops' (see table 1b).
(4) In order to prevent disclosure of individual holding data, from 2009, 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2016 a small area of linseed was added to the figure for spring oilseed rape
b break in time series
: not available

Final Results of the June 2016 Agricultural Census together with June results for the years 2006 to 2015 for comparison

Table 1b. Agricultural area in hectares, 2006 to 2016

From 2009, data on land use has been obtained from the Single Application Form ( SAF) for holdings claiming Basic Payment Scheme entitlements (previously Single Farm Payments). This has been combined with land use data from all other holdings, collected through June Census forms, to generate overall results. This change in the underlying data source constitutes a step change in the data series, which is more evident for certain land use categories.

b Step change - use of SAF Data
2006 2007 2008 2009 (1) 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Percentage change between 2015 & 2016
Peas for combining 1,490 1,790 1,480 2,025 1,668 1,198 682 537 616 1,470 776 -47.2%
Beans for combining 4,527 3,507 3,172 4,728 5,268 3,738 3,789 2,891 2,765 4,045 3,002 -25.8%
Total combine harvested crops 438,586 445,766 495,239 484,666 469,310 490,566 498,791 496,673 503,049 485,943 466,599 -4.0%
Seed 11,440 11,450 11,720 13,511 13,491 13,305 13,002 12,623 13,300 12,115 12,760 5.3%
Ware 16,711 17,868 18,116 18,187 17,876 17,768 16,534 16,486 15,211 13,649 14,766 8.2%
Total 28,151 29,318 29,836 31,697 31,368 31,073 29,536 29,109 28,511 25,764 27,525 6.8%
Crops for stockfeeding
Turnips/swedes 7,314 6,486 5,540 5,123 4,888 4,406 4,350 4,106 4,169 3,959 4,099 3.5%
Kale/cabbage 3,022 2,887 2,780 2,319 2,289 1,729 1,982 1,802 1,814 2,084 2,035 -2.3%
Maize 909 1,180 1,214 1,819 2,235 2,386 1,913 1,406 1,319 1,396 763 -45.4%
Rape 3,188 2,944 2,710 2,657 2,315 1,917 2,186 2,102 2,025 2,390 2,011 -15.8%
Fodder beet 350 417 577 667 630 594 584 465 392 487 437 -10.1%
Lupins 581 410 398 509 284 199 140 104 114 86 43 -50.8%
Other crops 10,773 10,399 9,387 9,302 10,396 8,759 8,668 9,106 8,742 7,441 7,073 -4.9%
Total crops for stockfeeding 26,137 24,722 22,605 22,395 23,037 19,989 19,823 19,091 18,574 17,843 16,460 -7.8%
Vegetables for human consumption 11,314 11,778 12,267 16,012 16,479 15,246 15,430 15,902 16,262 16,672 18,168 9.0%
Orchard fruit 39 45 47 37 49 67 69 86 89 111 98 -11.1%
Soft fruit 1,764 1,844 1,889 2,140 2,028 1,981 1,734 1,769 1,746 1,809 1,878 3.8%
Other crops (2) 9,088 9,675 8,358 7,496 7,690 8,990 8,011 8,302 8,877 11,447 8,507 -25.7%

(1) From 2009, data on land use has been obtained from the Single Application Form ( SAF) for holdings claiming Basic Payment Scheme entitlements (previously Single Farm Payments).
(2) Rye area (3,725 ha) removed from 'Other crops' in 2016. See Table 1a.
b break in time series
: not available

Final Results of the June 2016 Agricultural Census together with June results for the years 2006 to 2015 for comparison

Table 1c. Agricultural area in hectares, 2006 to 2016

From 2009, data on land use has been obtained from the Single Application Form ( SAF) for holdings claiming Basic Payment Scheme entitlements (previously Single Farm Payments). This has been combined with land use data from all other holdings, collected through June Census forms, to generate overall results. This change in the underlying data source constitutes a step change in the data series, which is more evident for certain land use categories.

b Step change - use of SAF Data
2006 2007 2008 2009 (1) 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 (5) 2016 Percentage change between 2015 & 2016
Fallow (2) 17,724 15,085 14,330 22,166 21,934 15,055 15,478 15,831 11,910 33,110 43,008 29.9%
Fallow - under 5 years : : : : 18,798 10,988 11,306 12,955 7,447 30,061 40,217 33.8%
Fallow - 5th year & over : : : : 3,136 4,068 4,171 2,875 4,463 3,049 2,791 -8.5%
Set-aside (3)(4) 67,549 62,433 17,815 584 z z z z z z z z
Total crops, fallow, and set-aside 600,352 600,667 602,386 586,609 571,895 582,968 588,873 586,761 589,017 592,698 582,243 -1.8%
Grass (5)b
Grass - under 5 years 321,476 316,026 300,838 415,531 422,623 411,179 428,538 439,061 425,742 212,964 210,080 -1.4%
Grass - 5th year & over 922,100 919,123 917,738 945,298 954,646 946,372 896,649 882,165 882,387 1,127,964 1,117,854 -0.9%
Total grass 1,243,576 1,235,149 1,218,576 1,360,828 1,377,268 1,357,551 1,325,187 1,321,226 1,308,129 1,340,928 1,327,934 -1.0%
Total crops and grass 1,843,929 1,835,816 1,820,963 1,947,438 1,949,163 1,940,519 1,914,059 1,907,987 1,897,146 1,933,625 1,910,177 -1.2%
Rough grazing 3,441,133 3,407,194 3,434,016 3,217,955 3,192,860 3,119,241 3,080,483 3,064,184 3,056,855 2,949,100 3,084,581 4.6%
Woodland 249,293 279,851 317,341 350,836 399,805 426,101 445,425 466,759 479,359 524,026 502,399 -4.1%
Other land 80,395 74,524 74,585 68,689 101,563 139,298 164,147 165,078 162,607 169,668 154,995 -8.6%
Total sole right agricultural area 5,614,750 5,597,386 5,646,906 5,584,918 5,643,391 5,625,159 5,604,114 5,604,008 5,595,967 5,576,420 5,652,152 1.4%
Common grazings 595,334 594,440 593,504 591,901 583,728 583,331 583,686 583,729 584,263 584,247 584,225 0.0%

(1) From 2009, data on land use has been obtained from the Single Application Form ( SAF) for holdings claiming Basic Payment Scheme entitlements (previously Single Farm Payments)
(2) Information on land that has been fallow for more than five years and less than 5 years was collected for the first time in 2010
(3) Set-aside entitlements under the Single Farm Payment Scheme ceased in 2009.
(4) Note that some crop areas on land attracting set-aside entitlements under the Single Farm Payment Scheme in 2008 may not have been reported on the June Agricultural Census. Conversely, the set-aside estimate could include some land used for non-industrial arable, forage and protein crops.
(5) Change in definitions of grass used in June Agricultural Census to "Rotational grass under 5 years" and "Permanent grassland"
b break in time series
: not available - question was not previously asked on the June Agricultural Census
z not applicable


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