Results from the June 2017 Scottish Agricultural Census

Statistics on farming in Scotland.

Table 12: Number and area of holdings by main farm type, total from Standard Outputs(1), 2017

Final Results of the June 2017 Agricultural Census

Holdings Hectares Total from Standard Outputs Average Standard Outputs per holding
Main farm type (£) (2) (£) (2)
Specialist cereals 2,458 246,542 202,846,001 82,525
General cropping 1,724 267,458 365,070,488 211,758
Specialist horticulture & permanent crops 699 24,684 232,756,456 332,985
Specialist pigs 274 8,110 54,463,118 198,771
Specialist poultry 850 11,699 201,970,589 237,612
Specialist dairy 659 98,361 299,739,030 454,839
LFA Cattle & Sheep 15,067 3,369,779 746,598,751 49,552
Non- LFA Cattle & Sheep 2,928 124,977 150,271,263 51,322
Mixed holdings 4,366 291,826 333,432,383 76,370
General cropping; forage 21,108 1,288,595 73,115,888 3,464
Unclassified 1,223 22,309 0 0
All 51,356 5,754,339 2,660,263,967 51,800

(1) Standard Outputs represent the estimated farm-gate worth (£s) of crops and animals without taking account of the costs incurred in production.

(2) The total amounted generated (in £) using the individual SOs on each farm type listed

The individual SO coefficients for crops and livestock are listed here:



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