
Scottish Agricultural Census: June 2018

Statistics regarding the area of crops and other farmland, livestock, agriculture workforce and rented farmland.

Potato areas are slightly down

Potatoes in Scotland

Potatoes in Scotland

Potato areas (hectares) in June 2018

Potato areas (hectares) in June 2018

Area used to grow potatoes : 27,400 hectares

The area used to grow potatoes fell in the past year. There was a decrease by approximately 2,000 hectares to 27,400 ha, a drop of seven per cent.

The reduction in total potato area was due to a decrease in the area of both seed (planting) and ware (eating) potatoes. In June 2018, there were 12,100 hectares of seed potatoes in Scotland, a drop of eight per cent over the past year. Similarly, the area used to grow ware potatoes fell by six per cent over the past year, to 15,300 hectares.



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