
Results from the Scottish Survey of Agricultural Production Methods, 2010

The Survey of Agricultural Production Methods (SAPM) formed part of the 2010 EU Farm Structure Survey and recorded details of farming practices across Scotland. This was the first occasion that the SAPM had been carried out in Scotland and, consequently, time series data are not available. The data will be used to inform the development of EU and national policies on agriculture and the environment.

6. Annex

6.1 EU Thresholds for the Farm Structure Survey and the Survey on Agricultural Production Methods

The table below details the thresholds required for holdings to be included in the Farm Structure Survey. A sample of these holdings were sent a Survey of Agricultural Production methods form.

Characteristics Threshold
Utilised agricultural area Arable land, kitchen gardens, permanent grassland, permanent crops 5 ha
Permanent outdoor crops Fruit, berry, citrus and olive plantations, vineyards and nurseries 1 ha
Other intensive production Vegetables, melons and strawberries, which are outdoors or under low (not accessible) protective cover 0.5 ha
Tobacco 0.5 ha
Hops 0.5 ha
Cotton 0.5 ha
Crops under glass or other (accessible) protective cover Vegetables, melons and strawberries 0.1 ha
Flowers and ornamental plants (excluding nurseries) 0.1 ha
Bovine animals All 10 head
Pigs All 50 head
Breeding sows 10 head
Sheep All 20 head
Goats All 20 head
Poultry All 1,000 head


Email: Graeme Kerr

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