Retail Industry Leadership Group: terms of reference

Terms of reference for the working group.


The Retail Industry Leadership Group is a collaborative forum that promotes retail interests in developing Scottish Government policy. Through the ILG, the industry representatives work with the Scottish Government to assess policies that impact businesses, consider shared challenges and support the development of new opportunities for the retail sector. 

Vision for the retail sector

Scotland, the best place in the UK to grow a retail business.


To provide a collaborative forum that promotes the interests of retail – in all its sizes and formats – in developing Scottish Government policy.

To promote open dialogue and advise the Scottish Government and its agencies on the challenges and opportunities facing the retail industry.

To support the co-development of policies and initiatives to achieve a thriving retail sector in Scotland.  

To celebrate and support the contribution of retail to high streets, communities and the Scottish economy.

The priorities of the ILG will flex and take account of changing economic and policy circumstances, but will develop actions in the Retail Strategy, including:

  • on fair work, to showcase the strengths of the sector and encourage retail businesses to demonstrate their commitment to fair work principles
  • on skills, to implement the Retail Skills Audit and Action Plan in partnership with Skills Development Scotland and other stakeholders
  • on net zero, working across industry to share expertise and promote best practice
  • actions in the National Strategy for Economic Transformation that will directly support the retail sector

Co-Chair and membership

The ILG will be co-Chaired by Tom Arthur, Minister for Employment and Investment and Lucy Brown, Central Operations Director, John Lewis Partnership. In the event that one co-Chair is unable to attend a meeting, it will be solely chaired by their counterpart. 

The remaining ILG members will be drawn from representatives of retail businesses and industry organisations, along with representation from the Trade Unions and employee representatives. The group will be sufficiently representative of employee voice and, as far as possible, the breadth and diversity of the population, business base and geography of Scotland. 

The ILG Group shall comprise of between 12-17 members. Of this, two thirds of the group are able to make and agree actions in order for the meeting to be quorate, with the flexibility to have fewer with the Co-Chairs’ agreement. 

The Co-Chairs may invite non-members of the group to attend and contribute to meetings as appropriate. 

Membership is on a voluntary, non-remunerated basis. Appointment is not a public appointment and is not subject to the public appointments process. Members can leave voluntarily at any time, with new members to be agreed upon by the Co-Chairs.  

The co-Chairs can chair or appoint chairs for special purpose working groups if required.

Role of the Scottish Government and agencies

The Scottish Government should attend ILG meetings in an advisory role to help inform on wider government policy development and key strategic priorities and to provide secretariat duties. 

Agencies should attend the meetings and be involved in working with ILGs to engage, co-produce, and where appropriate co-deliver on emerging opportunities.


The main group of the ILG will meet up to four times a year, with additional meetings to be agreed upon by the ILG as necessary. 

Members will be expected to read papers for meetings and prepare for each meeting in advance. 

Working groups may also meet as frequently as necessary to conduct their business in order to ensure continuity with the overarching purpose of the ILG.

Minutes of the meetings and action points will be published on the Scottish Government website after co-Chairs and members have agreed the contents.

Connection to other industry leadership groups 

The ILG co-Chair or a delegated member of the ILG may meet with other Scottish Government Industry Leadership Groups including the ILG Chairs Group to discuss cross-cutting issues and share practices and learning.  


The terms of reference and role of the group will be reviewed annually. The ILG membership will be kept under continuous review. 


The Scottish Government’s Retail Team within the Business Strategy Division. will provide secretariat support for the ILG main group.

Agenda and papers

Any ILG member can, by contacting the Secretariat, suggest agenda items for future meetings. The co-Chairs will decide the final agenda.

The Secretariat will aim to distribute an agenda and accompanying papers at least five working days before a scheduled meeting. 

Declarations of Interest

Advice and guidance on the registration of interests, and compliance with the Lobbying (Scotland) Act 2016, will be provided by the Secretariat.

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