
Review of the 2016 Independent Report on Marches, Parades and Static Demonstrations in Scotland

The findings and recommendations contained in this report are the outcome of discussions between Dr Michael Rosie and a range of interested parties, including march and parade organisers, local authorities, and Police Scotland.

Executive Summary

The findings and recommendations contained in this report are the outcome of discussions between Dr Michael Rosie and a range of interested parties, including march and parade organisers, local authorities, and Police Scotland. These discussions took place face to face, by telephone, and via email. This report reflects the views, opinions and experiences emerging from those discussions and from additional observation and research conducted by Dr Rosie.

The aim of this report is to assess progress made against the recommendations of the Independent Report on Marches, Parades and Static Demonstrations in Scotland (2016) and to identify any recent issues which have impacted on the relevant processes.

This report echoes the key conclusion of the 2016 Report: the processes involved mostly work well, and most marches, parades, and static demonstrations are conducted, facilitated and policed with good will and professionalism,

Progress against the 21 recommendations made in 2016 are mixed, and further recommendations are made, mainly in repeating calls for greater clarity on some key issues, and increased dialogue to strengthen - or indeed repair - relationships which, in some parts of Scotland, have become strained and, in some cases, seriously damaged.



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