
Review of the Aberdeen Problem Solving Approach: report

Review of the Aberdeen Sheriff’s Court’s Problem Solving Approach for prolific female and young male offenders.


Above all, we would like to thank the Aberdeen Problem-Solving Approach participants who took part in the research and talked so openly about their experiences and all the professionals who generously took time out of busy schedules to take part in interviews and focus groups.

We are extremely grateful for all the help provided by the different agencies in Aberdeen in relation to arranging interviews with participants and professionals, arranging court observations, and answering queries about the data and about processes. In particular, we would like to thank Lorna Murray (Aberdeen City Council Criminal Justice Social Work) and Isla Benzie (Aberdeen Sheriff Court) for their help and patience.

Our thanks are due to Carolyn Black, Ipsos MORI Scotland, who created the figures and charts.

Finally, we are indebted to the Scottish Government Research Advisory Group (Andrew Corrigan, Ella Edginton and Tamsyn Wilson) who provided valuable advice and assistance throughout the project.

All analysis and interpretation in this report is the responsibility of the authors.

Jane Eunson, Hannah Graham, Margaret Malloch, Gill McIvor and Lorraine Murray


Email: Ella Edginton

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