
Review of the arrangements for investigating the deaths of patients being treated for mental disorder

This report gives the findings of the Scottish Ministers’ Review and the actions that will be taken to address them.

Ministerial foreword

Clare Haughey MSP, Minister for Mental Health

There are a number of actions in this review report which will make important changes to the way we investigate and learn from deaths of people being treated for mental disorder. Crucially these changes will mean that investigations will involve, and be more accessible, to families and carers.

The Scottish Government is committed to creating a modern, inclusive Scotland. A country which protects, respects and realises internationally recognised human rights, and is working with the whole of Scottish society to deliver a shared vision for a Scotland where everyone can live a life of human dignity.

People affected by mental disorder have the same rights as everyone else. This includes the right to life, protection from discrimination as well as participating in those decisions which involve them. The Scottish Government is taking a human rights approach which empowers people to know and claim their rights. This increases the ability and accountability of individuals and institutions who are responsible for respecting, protecting and fulfilling rights. We also recognise the needs and rights of carers and families. Their experiences have rightly formed a central part of this review.

Ensuring effective investigation of the deaths in the circumstances covered by this review is essential if services are to improve in the way that families, carers and staff have told us they need to.

Clare Haughey MSP
Minister for Mental Health


Email: Dan Curran

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