Publication - Independent report
Review of care service definitions: challenges and recommendations
Findings from the review of care service definitions independent research project commissioned by the Scottish Government.
Appendix 2: Stakeholder list
- Care Inspectorate
- Centre for Excellence for Children's Care and Protection (CELCIS)
- Lead Social Worker
- Chief Social Work Officers (CSWO)
- Coalition of Care Providers Scotland (CCPS)
- Coalition of Carers in Scotland (Coalition of Carers)
- Deputy Chief Nursing Officer
- Disability Equality Scotland
- Heads of Secure Care
- Integrated Joint Boards (IJB)
- National Day Nursery Association (NDNA)
- Personal Assistants Network (PA)
- Self-Directed Support Scotland (PA)
- Scottish Care
- Scottish Childminding Association
- Scottish Council of Independent Schools
- Scottish Government Technology Enabled Care Team (TEC)
- Scottish Out of School Care network (SOSCN)
- Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC)
- Social Work Scotland
- Social Work Academics
- Unison
- Unite the Union
- Who Cares? Scotland
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