Review of care service definitions: challenges and recommendations
Findings from the review of care service definitions independent research project commissioned by the Scottish Government.
2. Scottish Government, The Future of Residential Care for Older People in Scotland (2014), Scottish Government ( scotland-full-report)
4. D Meadows (1999), Leverage Points: Places to Intervene in a System, The Sustainability Institute
5. C Naylor & D Wellings (2019), A citizen-led approach to health and care Lessons from the Wigan Deal, Kings Fund
6. D. Dougall, M. Lewis, S. Ross (2018), Transformational change in health and care – Reports from the field, King's Fund
7. C. Ham, A. Dixon, B. Brooke (2012), Transforming the Delivery of Health and Social Care: The case for fundamental change, King's Fund
8. Scottish Government (2018), Digital Health and Care Strategy, Scottish Government
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