
Charity regulation review: consultation

This consultation paper seeks your views on whether there should be a review of charity regulation and, if so, what you think the purpose and parameters should be.

Why have a consultation?

We have launched this consultation because in the past people told us that they think there should be a review of charity regulation. We want to understand if people still feel that way and if so, what you think should be the purpose and parameters for a review.

In 2019 we ran a consultation about proposals the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR) had made on improvements to the Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act 2005. In response to that consultation some people told us that they wanted a wider review of charity regulation.

This consultation asks 10 short questions about a review. It is split into three sections:

1. The need for a review and the purpose of a review

2. The parameters for a review - What should it cover and not cover?

3. Technical areas for review

You do not need to answer every question but, the more information we have, the better we are able to understand what you feel is needed.



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